With only three episodes left, She-Hulk: Attorney At Law is heading into the home stretch. The Hulk franchise's revival comes from a 4th wall-breaking, slapstick courtroom sitcom that brings Jen Walters as She-Hulk onto the MCU roster.
Promotion for this project has been filled with colorful posters, social media campaigns, and big energy trailers. Three episodes left, and there is plenty of footage in the promotional run that fans have yet to see.
Characters need to be introduced, outfits need to be shown off, and questions need to be answered. With the final leg of Marvel Studios' latest Disney+ series ahead, here is a look at what has yet to be seen in She-Hulk.
Unseen Footage from She-Hulk: Attorney At Law
Reddit user KostisPat257 pieced together a video of all of the She-Hulk footage that has been officially released through trailers and promotional featurettes that has yet to be seen in the series. Roughly 49 seconds of footage, and there is plenty for fans to get excited about with Episodes 7-9.
Keep in mind that some of these scenes may have been cut, but the chances are that the majority of this footage made the final cut.

Tatiana Maslany's Jennifer Walters continues to try to live her best life by going on a date with Joshua from Lulu's wedding in Episode 6. She claims that she is still doing her best to be "just Jen."
Of course, being a superhero is not conducive to every day of an average human being. Jen deals with the backlash of She-Hulk fame as paparazzi appear right outside her house.

Just as she feared, people seem to be seeing her more as She-Hulk and less as Jen. An unknown person, possibly a neighbor, asks Jen to put her green suit on, most likely to help him deal with a low-profile situation.
At least it will lead to a mention of one of the gamma franchise's most iconic lines, "Hulking Out."

First on the list of characters fans are waiting for is the return of Tim Roth's Emil Blonsky, aka Abomination. The zen-reformed villain of 2008's The Incredible Hulk made an impact earlier this season with his hyper-approachable personality.

Blonsky seems to be spreading his newly found wisdom in the arts of serenity in some sort of enhanced individual therapy group. Amongst this group are comic deep cuts Matador and Man-Bull.

Jen is also in attendance and sharing with the group. Emil seems happy that this is possibly a chance for Jen to turn to him for some advice on public opinion in the Hulk game.

Jen seems to embrace the fame to some degree, showing up to a red carpet event in a sparkling new dress. Now embracing the camera flashes, surely nothing will go wrong for everyone's favorite green optimist.

Seemingly immediately, the gala is thrown into lockdown as red lights flash while She-Hulk prepares for the oncoming threat.

What appears to be Damage Control squares up with the hero while the Wrecking Crew returns to finish the job they started earlier in the season. Maybe this attack, gala, and the whole situation are being manipulated by the person behind the incel threat, the Intelligencia.

That encounter seems to be the show's climax, but there are still adventures between now and then, including a confrontation with Frog-Man. Sneakily shown in previous episodes, this comic book cult classic will surely be a jobber to show off She-Hulk working with another hero.

Matt Murdock is in the MCU, and Marvel Studios is going to make up for lost time with Charlie Cox set to appear in upcoming episodes. Matt Murdock is shown talking with Jen at the bar; it is unclear if he shows up in glasses first or a new suit.

Speaking of a new suit, the debut of She-Hulk's official super suit is on the way. Teased in Episode 5, this is the type of progression that will push Jen Walters into the bigger picture of the MCU.

If you thought one new suit was awesome, how about two? Both She-Hulk and Daredevil are set to show off some new threads in an action scene against Frog-Man. Something this show has been missing is an engaging display of Jen's fighting style.

Oddly enough, the yellow Daredevil suit has been the most anticipated moment in this show since first appearing in trailers. It looks like plenty of time will be spent with The Man Without Fear wearing his comic-accurate suit with the Iron Man motif.
All the released shots from She-Hulk's remaining three episodes can be watched in the video below:
So Much She-Hulk, so Little Time
Every time Disney+ releases a new Marvel Studios series, fans sit at the last few episodes saying, "there is a lot to cover in three episodes."
She-Hulk is no different. In fact, the series is averaging just over 33 minutes per episode, making it the shortest clip of any MCU series to date. WandaVision was on a similar track as the only other 9-episodes series but jumped up to 39+ minutes for the last five episodes.
Do not expect that jump with She-Hulk, as the network programming vibe has been a major part of this show's identity. While it has left a lot on the table regarding traditional Marvel Studios positives like character development and plot, it has allowed for the fast-paced energy and character turnover fans have enjoyed so far.
This will need to be leaned into with three episodes left and Jen, Daredevil, Abomination, and whoever is the big bad of the series getting the work they deserve.
Look for Episodes 8 and 9 to feel more like Part 1 and Part 2 than individual episodes to fulfill this amount of content with roughly 90 minutes of runtime left.
Something to remember is the power of the post-credit scene to vault She-Hulk into the wider MCU after the credits role. This allows for these series to focus on their stories and not let world-building get in the way of what they are trying to do.
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law premieres episodes every Thursday on Disney+.