After Miles Morales made his return to the big screen in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, many are wondering if there's an MCU crossover in his future.
Miles' second solo movie is already a huge hit worldwide at the box office and with critics, setting him up as a character that many will follow for years to come.
And after this new animated sequel ended on a major cliffhanger, many are wondering where and when Miles will make his grand return - which could be in a non-animated setting as well.
How Miles Morales is Set for MCU Crossover
Following his leading role in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Miles Morales appears to be in line for a potential crossover into the MCU sometime in the near future.
Below are the three biggest reasons why this crossover should be considered a real possibility.
Spider-Verse 2 & 3 Going Live Action?

Across the Spider-Verse took some major steps forward by including live-action cameos from characters in other universes, including Donald Glover as a live-action Prowler (Miles Morales' uncle Aaron Davis).
This was actually the second time Glover took on the role of Aaron Davis - a character he played for a couple of important scenes in the MCU's Phase 3 movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Glover's MCU take on Davis established the notion of Miles Morales' existence in that universe after one specific line from Glover where he referenced his nephew:
"I don't want those weapons in this neighborhood. I got a nephew who lives here."
Then a deleted scene from that same movie further confirmed Miles' existence as he took a phone call from his young nephew. While it's unknown how old he is in that story, it's more than evident that he's in the background waiting to make his presence felt in the world.
Should that theory become true, it will seemingly only be a matter of time until the MCU gets its second Earth-616 (or Earth-199999) web-slinger.
Miles Morales Solo Movie in Action

The biggest indication of Miles Morales being set for an MCU crossover might be the most recent bit of news surrounding the character, which came at the world premiere event for Across the Spider-Verse.
At that event, Sony executive Amy Pascal revealed that a Miles Morales live-action solo movie is in the works, although there was no word on what universe this film would be used for.
On the one hand, Sony could decide to make Miles Morales the main Spider-Man in Sony's Spider-Man Universe, with Tom Holland's Spidey firmly planted in the MCU for the next few years, starting again with Spider-Man 4.
But considering that the project is confirmed to be in development now with Holland still in his prime as Spidey, it would almost be a crime for Sony to not think about bringing him into play alongside that web-slinger and Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
Additionally, with the aforementioned Miles Morales Easter egg in Homecoming and Electro's tease of a Black Spider-Man in Spider-Man: No Way Home, this solo movie is in a prime position to join the same franchise as Tom Holland's hero.
With no other details out in the public pertaining to its timeframe for development, fans will only have to wait for more news to see who is cast and in which universe it takes place.
Avengers Movies Go Full Multiverse

With the MCU now moving past the Infinity Saga and going full speed ahead with the Multiverse Saga, plenty of doors could be used for Miles Morales to make his move from the Spider-Verse movies into the MCU.
The first movie that will truly explore the possibilities of the Multiverse will be 2024's Deadpool 3, and while many want to see Peter Parker and Deadpool finally ignite their bromance, having Miles Morales in the film could throw in a unique twist.
Also on the list for potential Miles Morales debut movies is the obvious choice in Spider-Man 4. While the story is still in the earliest stages of development, the start of Tom Holland's next trilogy might just be the perfect place for him to meet the MCU's Miles and help kickstart his web-slinging journey.
And then, of course, there are two major Avengers outings in Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Avengers: Secret Wars to watch out for.
Both of these movies will deal heavily with Multiversal plot points, so whether Miles is already in the MCU or waiting to crossover from a different universe, he would be quite the handy hero to have available for the fight against the Avengers' next huge antagonists.
If Sony even wanted to go super wild, Miles' live-action debut could come in 2024's Beyond the Spider-Verse, bringing more live-action MCU entries into play in that story while setting up that same version of Morales for a crossover of epic proportions, making the jump from animation to live-action.
No matter when, where, or how this happens, it appears that the stage is set for this highly-anticipated crossover to become a reality sooner rather than later.
For now, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is now playing in theaters worldwide.