After stealing the show in Phase 4's first project, WandaVision, Kathryn Hahn is set to bring her fan-favorite role as Agatha Harkness back into the spotlight for Marvel Studios' Phase 5. This will come in her own solo series - recently retiled Agatha: Coven of Chaos - which will give her the opportunity to expand on her mysterious backstory and dive deeper into the legend of Chaos Magic.
Agatha's Marvel spin-off is set to arrive on Disney+ in the tail end of 2023 going into 2024, although the details behind the show's story and production remain largely under wraps. There's already intrigue surrounding the title alone though, thanks to the change in title from Agatha: House of Harkness.
With the show still well over a year away, filming, unfortunately, won't begin until 2023 at the earliest, making for a fairly quick turnaround from shooting to post-production and release. But thankfully, an exciting piece of information has become public that should build the anticipation to see Agatha make her glorious return.
Agatha Spin-off Receives Rumored Working Title

The Cosmic Circus revealed that Marvel Studios will use the working title "My Pretty" for the upcoming Disney+ series Agatha: Coven of Chaos, which debuts on Disney+ in late 2023.
It's unclear how this ties into the story for Agatha's solo series, although it presumably ties back to the famous line "I'll get you, my pretty" that was uttered by the Wicked Witch of the West in 1939's The Wizard of Oz.
More Witches Shining in the MCU's Phase 5
Many times, Marvel Studios doesn't assign working titles that mean anything crucially important to its movies and Disney+ shows, as shown by names like "Rigatoni" for Armor Wars and "Perfect Imprints" for next year's Blade. This time, however, Marvel at least ties into Agatha's place as a powerful Marvel witch by referencing the original antagonistic witch from one of Hollywood's most iconic movies.
While Coven of Chaos likely won't have any direct nods to The Wizard of Oz in its plot, Kathryn Hahn's villain will get to more fully explore her magical past as she shows just how powerful her Westview witch has been over the years in the MCU. However, there are a couple of interesting Easter eggs from her time in WandaVision that could be worth paying attention to ahead of her solo series.
In Episode 6, Wanda and her twin sons walk by a theater that lists Oz the Great and Powerful as one of its movies playing, which served as a prequel to The Wizard of Oz - a story about an alternate reality just like WandaVision. Then, in the series' final episode, Wanda throws a car at Agatha that makes her crash into a house before only her boots are seen under the car, another nod to the iconic 1937 movie as the Wicked Witch of the East is seen in the same position.
It's also still a mystery if this will be an origin story or a sequel to WandaVision, with the chance there for Elizabeth Olsen to come to her for help after the events of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. No matter what answers are there, having a working title is at least the first step toward Hahn making her long-awaited return to the MCU.
Agatha: Coven of Chaos is set to debut on Disney+ in late 2023.