Advertising for Zack Snyder's Justice League is already underway and is set to speed up with trailers and other promos in early 2021, with fans already seeing the marketing in action publicly.
However, this hasn't stopped Snyder himself from continuing to contribute to the advertisement campaign for fans who follow him on social media and Vero, specifically. For years, Snyder has answered questions from fans, given them updates, and posted exclusive behind-the-scenes photos from many of his productions, including Justice League.
As advertising continues until Zack Snyder's Justice League releases in March next year, the director is sharing photo after photo on social media from the cut. The latest shows more of Wonder Woman in civilian clothing snooping around a ruin.
A new still from The Snyder Cut of Justice League has been released by Zack Snyder, showing Gal Gadot's Diana Prince investigating ancient ruins protected by two armed guards.
The image was accompanied by a short caption from Snyder: "Get ready for 2021."

This image is likely depicting a scene just before Diana goes into the ruins to discover art of Darkseid on the stone wall, as she's wearing the same white clothes in both scenes. It will be interesting to see how Snyder actually presents the history lesson scene in the movie - Joss Whedon's version essentially turned it into a chunk of exposition involving Diana Prince explaining history to Bruce Wayne as they casually walked beside a lake.
What is striking about this image is how different the color-grading already is compared to Whedon's Justice League, which had Wonder Woman investigating a similar set of ruins, except at night. It will be great to see these scenes with the intended lighting and color-grading, allowing the set production and costuming to properly shine.