The cast and crew of WandaVision have gone to painstaking lengths to emulate each era of sitcoms explored in each episode. Set production , period-accurate costumes , and of course, the different methods of acting and dialogue are all aspects that had to correspond to each sitcom. Marvel Studios even went as far as to have a live studio audience for the first episode, which dramatically changed how the actors performed on set.
The acting for both Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen was so dramatically different for their respective characters than the movies that it was an opportunity for them to act outside their typical MCU comfort-zones . Olsen herself expresses this in a recent interview about how, despite acting for 10 years, Wanda is the most uncomfortable she's ever felt acting.
Speaking with lifestyle magazine Elle , Elizabeth Olsen discussed the sudden pressure playing Wanda after appearing in other more mundane blockbuster films as the character.
In WandaVision, Olsen is given a proper challenge for her career as an actress, with the Scarlet Witch explored in far more depth as a character featuring Olsen as the show's primary focus, no longer a supporting character.
“I've only been working for 10 years, but there is this feeling where you start to get comfortable... WandaVision was the furthest thing from comfortable for me. It felt intimidating. The character is a completely different thing.”
It's understandable why Elizabeth Olsen would see playing Wanda in WandaVision as uncomfortable as she has to juggle multiple methods of acting on camera, sometimes switching between them on a dime, as shown in the dinner scene in the first episode. It doesn't help that Olsen is the star of the show, which puts even more pressure on her performance.
Not to mention that it's entirely likely that, after playing a hero for so many years in the MCU, Olsen could end up as the villain , adding another dynamic on top of the character and performance. It will be interesting to see Elizabeth Olsen's performance slowly morph into a more comfortable performance as her character shifts through the decades until it reaches modern sitcoms.