The release schedule for Wonder Woman 1984 has been, to put it mildly, erratic. Initially planned to release on December 13, 2019, before being moved up a month, only to be delayed to June 5, 2020. However, then the coronavirus hit everyone and the movie was forced to be delayed to August 14, 2020, but that date didn't hold either. It was then, hopefully for the last time, announced that WW84 would be pushed back again to October 2020.
In between all of these delays, Warner Brothers has had to constantly continue the marketing for this movie, which Warner Brothers is still confidently pushing, despite the possibility of having to delay it's release again.
Trailer Track is reporting (via Palads Teatret in Denmark) that Warner Brothers plans on showing a sneak peek of Tenet and new trailers for Dune and Wonder Woman 1984 in August.

Honestly, after the release date for Wonder Woman 1984 has been delayed three times now, it's somewhat doubtful that the movie will even make its October release date either. At this point, many elements about the movie has already been spoiled if one is willing to look for it. So, it seems even more counter-productive to have another trailer with new footage that shows even more of the movie and potential plot.
Fans haven't actually seen Cheetah in any of the trailers, so revealing how she'll actually look in live-action, instead of on merchandise, could invigorate audiences and fans. However, it's doubtful that audience members will actually have to go to see Inception again in order to see this new trailer. Either it will be uploaded to the Internet or shown at DC's Fandome event without risking audience members getting sick.