The Flash Season 9 is poised to show many surprises, and a new comment from its showrunner may have teased the possibility of seeing Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen's child.
The upcoming season is already filled with surprising Arrowverse guest stars and jam-packed with crossovers. However, many are still wondering how the show would end.
The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace recently promised that the show would have a "happy ending," indicating that this may finally be the season where Barry and Iris' children will be conceived.
Now, another tease about the subject matter has emerged.
Will The Flash Season 9 Reveal Iris' Pregnancy?
In an interview with TV Line, The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace talked about "upping the romance" between Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen in Season 9.
Wallace teased that The Flash will end by honoring "the legacy" of the show, hinting that it could ultimately lead to the reveal of the pair's children, Nora and Bart:
“Upping the romance between Barry and Iris, then adding all of those other good things, creates a series finale where people will truly go, ’Hey, that was a good one. That one’s going to stay with me in a positive way and really honor the legacy of the show.’”
The Arrowverse showrunner continued by saying how he sees Season 9 as a "bookend" for the series, noting that there will be "[a] lot of nods" to Season 1 and things that weren't resolved then will finally be addressed:
“That’s what you’re going to see throughout the season. You’re going to see a lot of nods to Season 1, and a lot of things that were never resolved now get resolved. It’s all about bookending the series and finishing on a really high, emotional note.”

When asked directly if Season 9 will feature Iris' pregnancy or Barry and Iris' parenthood, Wallace played coy about the matter:
“I won’t say which, but the answer is yes.”
A past interview still might've already spoiled Iris' pregnancy, with Candice Patton's Iris West-Allen holding a water glass while Grant Gustin's Barry Allen and the others are drinking liquor:

Wallace then said that keeping Barry and Iris together for a while is “one of the biggest, if not the biggest, priorities for Season 9.”
The showrunner explained the decision to keep the pair together, noting how past seasons had Barry and Iris with their "own separate journeys" already:
“We’ve had them on their own separate journeys for [Seasons] 6, 7, and 8, because we had to build their characters. We had to level up Flash as a superhero, and we had to level up Iris emotionally as a journalist. That ball really got dropped in Seasons 2 through 5 or so. But now that we’ve done that, let’s level them up as a couple. And that means it’s time for some rom-com.”
When Will The Flash Season 9 Reveal Iris' Pregnancy?
It looks like The Flash Season 9 is leading toward the reveal that Iris West-Allen is pregnant. At this stage, it's only a matter of when and not if.
It's possible that the Arrowverse show's final season will not reveal Iris' pregnancy during the first few episodes, potentially unveiling it right after Red Death's defeat in the middle portion of its 13-episode run.
While this would ultimately spoil the happy ending that the show is trying to achieve, it raises the stakes since Barry would do whatever it takes to protect Iris from the dangerous villains already confirmed to appear, such as Reverse Flash.
Confirming Iris' pregnancy early could also lead to the birth of Nora West-Allen at some point in the season, leading to moments of parenthood for the titular speedster.