The DCEU had a promising start courtesy of 2013's Man of Steel that was led by the combined might of Henry Cavill and director Zack Snyder. The franchise's triumphant debut led to the announcement of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice , marking the first time that the two icons were pitted against each other in a live-action setting.
After the highly-talked-about announcement, the internet was swamped with numerous theories about the intriguing storyline of Dawn of Justice, speculating how the two of the most recognizable heroes of DC would be involved in a showdown. This was on top of the news of the massive cast of the film, including the likes of Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor.
Unfortunately, the film received poor reviews from critics, leaving fans divided online. As a result, Snyder released an Ultimate Edition of the 2016 sequel , extending the movie's runtime to almost three hours. The additional footage proved to be a game-changer since it managed to change fan perception about the film.
Now, it looks like another version of Dawn of Justice will make its debut soon.
While replying to a fan from Vero , Zack Snyder confirmed that the remastered version of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is finally “finished.” The exchange can be seen below.

As it is, Snyder's confirmation should bode well for fans eager to watch Dawn of Justice once more. In the remastered version, the visionary director revealed that the entire film will be updated in the IMAX ratio format, meaning that the viewing experience will be completely different this time around.
On top of that confirmation, Snyder did tease that this latest version of Dawn of Justice is going to include “a bit more,” potentially hinting that more scenes will be included to beef up the narrative.
There's a good chance that some scenes that will be included will directly tie to the extended plot points of Zack Snyder's Justice League, adding another layer of storytelling to his masterpiece. In a way, the remastered version of Dawn of Justice should serve as an effective way to expand several character arcs of heroes like Superman and Batman, making their story in the upcoming Justice League a must-see (once more).
Considering the emphasis that was given in the Knightmare timeline, it's possible that more related scenes will be added in the remastered edit of Dawn of Justice . This makes sense since the aforementioned sequence debuted in the film in the first place.
On top of that, Snyder also confirmed that his Justice League will include an opening credit that revolves around Superman's sacrifice in Dawn of Justice, an approach that is similar to the latter's introduction that recounted the death of Bruce Wayne's parents. That said, it is likely that an extended shot of Superman's death will be included as well in this latest version.
Given the director's treasure chest of scenes, the possibilities are endless, and it will be interesting to find out what Snyder's cut entails in the coming months.