With a new year in full bloom to help put the misery of 2020 in the rear-view mirror, the movie industry is gearing up for an exponentially busy first few months in terms of content. It's a particularly big year for DC and Warner Bros, who are currently reaping the benefits from the HBO Max release of Wonder Woman 1984 before director Patty Jenkins and star Gal Gadot move on to the untitled third movie in the series.
In just about two months, director Zack Snyder will bring the long-awaited debut of the Snyder Cut of Justice League, which has been teased and discussed since the original movie released in theaters in 2017. The Snyder Cut earned a green light for production in late spring 2020, and Snyder spent the year giving the world sneak peeks into his work on the movie throughout the production process.
One aspect of production that Snyder discussed on multiple occasions is the film's score, written by Junkie XL. He recently opened up on the soundtrack, regarding a specific piece of music from the DCEU's past.
In a new interaction on Vero, Justice League director Zack Snyder responded to a fan question asking if the Hans Zimmer's "Beautiful Lie" theme music from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Wonder Woman 1984 would make an appearance in the Snyder Cut of Justice League. Snyder confirmed the song's placement in Justice League by simply saying "it has an appearance."
The movie scores in the DCEU have all been quite intense in nature through most of the franchise's theatrical run, and Batman v Superman was no exception. The "Beautiful Lie" theme specifically seemed to resonate with fans as it played behind the movie's opening scene with Bruce Wayne's parents' death scene. This theme even made a return for Wonder Woman 1984 in the scene with Steve Trevor's goodbye to Diana Prince.
While there are no specifics on where this theme will be utilized in the Snyder Cut, it will certainly make an impact during the project's four-hour run time. Zack Snyder's teases for new Batman action in this cut are already building up the hype for Ben Affleck's return, and this piece of the score is deeply connected with his DCEU version of the Caped Crusader.
Junkie XL's score should also help to separate this movie further from Joss Whedon's theatrical cut, which brought longtime Hollywood composer Danny Elfman to pen the orchestral music. The two composers' styles are vastly different from one another, and with Junkie XL's music being much more prevalent throughout the rest of the DCEU, it will seemingly help connect the Snyder Cut more deeply with everything that came before it.
The Snyder Cut of Justice League will release on HBO Max in March 2021.