Over the last few weeks, loads of information has come out regarding next year's highly anticipated release of the Snyder Cut of Justice League on HBO Max. From teasing the arrival of new villains like Jared Leto's Joker and Joe Manganiello's Deathstroke to teasing unknown Easter Eggs about other Kryptonians on Earth and DC's Watchmen in this expansive franchise, this new vision of the 2017 theatrical flop is already set to be one of the most rich and full projects to ever come out of the DCEU, even if it doesn't end up being canon.
Zack Snyder himself has been more active than almost anybody, giving sneak peeks into what to expect when his cut of the movie releases next year. He has continued this in a new breakdown of the latest trailer, specifically focused on the fastest hero of the team.
Zack Snyder revealed in an official breakdown of his newest Snyder Cut Trailer, via the Vero True Social YouTube channel, that he is not a fan of the way Ezra Miller's Flash used his speed force powers to move people around in the theatrical cut of Justice League. Fans may recall Flash using his super-seed to quickly transport a Russian family in a truck during the final battle of Whedon's film
While paused on the scene of Barry Allen poking through glass and making it shatter, Snyder gave this extended quote on his dissatisfaction with the way his powers were utilized in the movie:
I didn’t like, and I don’t like, Barry being able to move people. I know a lot of people loved that aspect of it, I just don’t. And it’s fine, I think it’s cool when people do, but I just don’t. It goes against physics to be able to have…if you grab someone, and you can say they’re protected by the Speed Force, but that’s, you know, up to interpretation. I feel like if you grab someone at the speed he’s moving, you can just, like, literally just tear their arm out of its socket. He’s moving so fast it would just literally peel the flesh off of somebody’s body, so he’s gotta be super careful with humans inside of the Speed Force.
Snyder's quote directly imply that Barry Allen's Flash will not be using his speed powers to move other people (unless he is, in fact, trying to tear arms out of sockets).
The full trailer breakdown is available to view below, with Snyder's comments on the Flash coming at the 27:15 mark:
Among all the different aspects of Justice League that went through changes after Joss Whedon took over directorial duties from Zack Snyder in 2016, this already feels like one that will see some major adjustments when the Snyder Cut releases next year. This movie had the first major live-action appearance for the Flash after very short cameos in 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, and Snyder is likely far from the only who has contention with the portrayal of the Speed Force in this movie. It's still a mystery how Snyder will show the Speed Force with how little the Flash has been used so far, but the interest is already overwhelming as fans wait for the Scarlet Speedster's revival.
This adds to the long and continually growing list of changes to the movie that fans should expect to see coming to fruition in next year's Snyder Cut. Even though only four more minutes of screen time were shot in the recently finished reshoots, Snyder has already confirmed important changes such as removing lines and footage used by Joss Whedon, connecting the movie more deeply to his first two DCEU films, adding much more depth to all six main heroes and so much more.
With any luck, this cut of Justice League will help clarify how Ezra Miller's Flash was originally meant to be portrayed and utilized in the DCEU before all the changes. He is still yet to receive his own solo movie, which has continually been delayed and now won't release until late 2022, but that movie is looking to be one of the most important to the DCEU's future with its introduction of the multiverse upon its arrival.
The Snyder Cut of Justice League is set to release exclusively on HBO Max sometime in 2022.