Over the course of the DCEU’s cinematic history, Henry Cavill has always been one of the fans’ favorite heroes. He first took off in Man of Steel back in 2013, then crossed over to Batman v Superman, and finally landed in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. However, the actor hasn’t been seen as the famous Kryptonian since the recut of the 2017 film.
Many have expressed disappointment at his absence. It’s assumed that Warner Bros. has specifically taken actions to do away with Cavill’s Clark Kent, thanks to how badly Justice League did. This became even more apparent when Sashe Calle was brought aboard as Supergirl in The Flash.
Recently, rumors started to swirl that Cavill would be making a surprise appearance at San Diego Comic-Con 2022 for some sort of announcement about his DC Films' future. Sadly, not only was this false, but Dwayne Johnson also shared a worrisome response to a fan’s question when it comes to Superman’s role in the future.
Dwayne Johnson Gets Booed

At San Diego Comic-Con 2022, Black Adam star Dwayne Johnson was asked who would win in a fight, Superman or his titular character?
The actor noted that the two would be pretty close "pound for pound," but in the end, "it probably all depends on who is playing Superman:"
"That's a great question... don't threaten me with a good time, cause I'm going to answer that question. Well, I will say, as you guys know, because we're all in deep with this mythology, and it's been an age-old question of who would win a fight between Black Adam and Superman. Pound for pound, they're pretty close. I guess it probably all depends on who is playing Superman; I'm just going to say that. I'll leave it at that."
This response was met by loud boos from the audience. As specifically pointed out by Reddit user u/DenisBastard, this response clearly implies that Henry Cavill might not be playing Superman anymore in the future. The reaction can be heard in the video below.
The Rock gets booed when he implies that Henry Cavill might not be playing Superman on the Black Adam panel from DC_Cinematic
Another angle of the exchange can be seen thanks to Comicbook's Brandon Davis on Twitter.
Black Adam vs. Superman? “Depends on who is playing Superman.” -@TheRock #SDCC pic.twitter.com/xxLs2JSrCV
Where is Superman?
At this point, fans are all but begging for some kind of news when it comes to Cavill’s role in the DCEU going forward. Anything will work; the world just needs closure. If Warner Bros. truly plans on not bringing him back at all, just announce it. Make it clear so that audiences can all move on—and Cavill can as well.
But would it be a good idea to let the actor go? No, probably not. His Superman is a beloved adaptation of the character, and many feel he was done injustice with the projects he was given. There’s also Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam to fight one day—witnessing Cavill vs. The Rock would be quite the spectacle.
If DC really does get rid of him, Marvel Studios should jump on the opportunity to recruit him for the MCU. The actor could make a perfect Captain Britain, and with the mutants just around the corner, there would be plenty of awesome opportunities for Cavill to take advantage of.
Black Adam hits theaters on October 21 later this year.