With Marvel Studios continuing to push the MCU forward with more projects than ever, merchandising opportunities continue to present themselves from multiple different prominent outlets. One of the leaders in this category is Entertainment Earth with Funko Pops!, which has become one of the hottest pieces of collectible memorabilia on the market.
The Funko Pop! market has almost no limit for MCU fans, depicting countless major characters and even creatives from the expansive Marvel universe. Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield got their own figurines after Spider-Man: No Way Home, and even directors Joe and Anthony Russo got the honor of being immortalized in their own tiny collectibles after four wildly successful MCU movies.
Now, Spider-Man: No Way Home finds itself with yet another Funko - one which may be the weirdest one to ever come out of the MCU.
MCU's Lady Liberty Makes for Funko Merch
The official Funko Twitter page released an image of a new Funko Pop! that will be exclusively available at New York Comic-Con as a limited edition.

This pop depicts the MCU's new take on the Statue of Liberty, complete with Captain America's vibranium shield on Lady Liberty's right arm. This statue acted as the final set piece in Spider-Man: No Way Home, where all three Spider-Men fought the movie's Multiversal villains from the past Spidey movies.

This unusual Pop! is simply labeled as "Statue of Liberty," paying tribute to No Way Home's memorable final locale. As most MCU fans expect Funko Pops! for their favorite characters, it's quite rare and weird that a setting like this received its own characterized figure.

No Way Home Gets Another Unique Funko
The Statue of Liberty played its biggest role in the MCU to date in Spider-Man: No Way Home, starting off with the in-universe reports that Captain America's shield would be added to it after the events of Avengers: Endgame. It even served as the location of the movie's final battle, which ended with the shield being knocked off of Lady Liberty's arm before Tom Holland's Peter Parker faced off against Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin.
Although this was a key moment in the entire Spider-Man trilogy from the MCU, fans likely didn't expect the statue to be depicted in Funko form before now. Its uniqueness alone should make this new Pop! a hot-ticket item, especially with No Way Home still being one of the most popular movies in the game today.
This is also the second exclusive Funko to come out of New York Comic-Con; the other being one that gave fans a look at Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury from Secret Invasion. Marvel used this convention to celebrate both the MCU's recent past and its near future, with plenty more Funko goodies set to join the collection before long.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is now available for home viewing. The movie's extended cut, dubbed The More Fun Stuff Version, is also currently playing in theaters.