Even with an exciting return to mainstream media on the way for the DC Extended Universe, most of the last six months have been marred by a number of different controversies in and around Warner Bros. This most notable includes the accusations by Cyborg actor Ray Fisher that Justice League director Joss Whedon was abusive and unprofessional on the movie's set after he took over from Zack Snyder.
Since those accusations, Fisher has been involved in an ongoing legal battle with the major movie company, not backing down from his stance and bringing up the reported abuse on numerous occasions. More news has just arrived on this ongoing investigation, although it's still as unclear as ever what the results will turn out to be.
Via a new article from Variety, WarnerMedia released a statement saying it has concluded its investigaton into the reported abuse on the set of the DCEU's Justice League. Although it's unknown what actions will be taken in the near future, Warner Bros. offered this statement:
"WarnerMedia’s investigation into the ‘Justice League’ movie has concluded and remedial action has been taken."
Cyborg actor Ray Fisher, who has been vocal about the wrongdoings of Joss Whedeon and other Warner Bros. producers on the set of Justice League, shared the following response to the studio's statement via Twitter:
The following was relayed to me on behalf of Warner Media at 5pm EST today:
- The investigation of Justice League is now complete.
- It has lead to remedial action.
(Some we’ve seen, and some that is still to come.)
- And this statement (which truly belongs to ALL who participated in the investigation):
“WarnerMedia appreciates you having the courage to come forward and assist the company with creating an inclusive and equitable work environment for it’s employees and partners.”
There are still conversations that need to be had and resolutions that need to be found.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement on this journey.
We are on our way.
More soon. A>E
This saga has flooded the news stream all throughout the summer and fall of 2020, especially as promotion has ramped up for the HBO Max premiere of next year's Snyder Cut of Justice League. Both sides have regularly offered one statement after another, and the accusations have seemed to permeate through every level of Warner Bros. as well.
The last part of this story that fans are waiting to hear is what the “remedial actions” taken by WarnerMedia turn out to be. After Whedon and producers Geoff Johns and Jon Berg were accused of abuse and misconduct on the set of Justice League, reports have come from numerous outlets detailing every step of this investigation process
Fisher’s stance has garnered plenty of support from co-stars such as Jason Momoa and Kiersey Clemons, and Joss Whedon has remained mostly silent throughout the duration of this event. His response to this move seems to be encouraging even though it's still unlcear how much he will benefit from speaking out the way he did. No matter how this turns out, it will live on as of the most infamous controversies in DC Films' storied history.