Joe Locke makes his Marvel debut in Agatha All Along as a mysterious new character named simply 'Teen'.
The identity of Locke's character has been kept under wraps, with the actor revealing very little about Teen's identity during his promotion of the series, except that his character would be openly queer.
The character's identity is intended to be such a surprise that even Agatha cannot hear Teen's true name in the series, keeping it a mystery for everyone.
Marvel Has Already Spoiled Joe Locke's Character Twist

While the identity of Joe Locke's character is obviously supposed to be a twist revealed later in the series, it is one that Marvel Studios has seemingly already spoiled.
Fans have long speculated that Teen is secretly Billy Maximoff, the long-lost son of Wanda Maximoff, who was supposedly wiped out of existence in the finale of WandaVision. In Marvel comics, Billy is also known as Wiccan, a magic-wielding member of the Young Avengers.
While all of Marvel's marketing has avoided even the mention of the name Billy, some eagle-eyed fans found that switching on the foreign subtitles for a trailer of Agatha All Along, revealed Locke's character name to be "Billy."
While this twist is yet to play out in the show, there are already a few indications that Teen is Billy, waiting to be revealed.

For one, whenever Teen tries to speak about his identity to Agatha, his mouth is blurred out with a black scribble that seemingly forms an "M". Could this M be hinting that he's a Maximoff?
Teen also reveals throughout the episode that his mother is dead, which would line up with Scarlet Witch's apparent death in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
Locke would also fit the typical description of Wiccan in the comics, who is depicted as a tall and pale teenager with dark hair. Not to mention a new look at the character in upcoming episodes of Agatha All Along (via X) shows him using blue magic, which is also historically the color of Wiccan's magic in Marvel comics.

Of course, there is also the possibility that Teen is not Billy at all and Marvel is leaning into the fan theories to pull off an even bigger twist. After all, this is the series that changed its title multiple times before revealing it was Agatha All Along.
When Will Teen's True Identity Be Revealed?
Teen's identity is a mystery that Marvel plans to string out for at least a few episodes of Agatha All Along. Marvel TV shows will usually leave the biggest twists for the final two episodes of the series, such as when Agatha's true identity was revealed in WandaVision. This strategy could be the same for Teen's reveal.
As for how the reveal will go down, apart from Teen's true name, there is another burning question about his character to be answered. What does Teen want to gain from the Witches' Road?
The Witches' Road is said to give those who reach its end what they most desire, and it's a quest that Teen is desperate to undertake, hence he's gone to the effort of recruiting Agatha and her coven.
Could Teen desire to bring his mother back from the dead? Does he want to reunite with his twin, Tommy? Whatever it is, it seems likely that Teen's goal for the Witches Road will play into his identity in a big way.
Agatha All Along Episodes 1-3 are streaming now on Disney+.