The DC Extended Universe is just about two months away from making a second huge splash in the world of comic book movies after its current run with Wonder Woman 1984 . This will arrive when director Zack Snyder brings his vision of Justice League to life with the HBO Max release for the ever-mysterious Snyder Cut.
Snyder has been making the virtual rounds for this movie's promotional tour over the past few weeks, spending much of 2020 offering small teases into how he brought this massive release to life. The noted DC director is completing his full vision for the movie after his previous work with both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice , which should bring the hype to a fever pitch after teasing this release for most of the last two years.
While Snyder has exclusively worked with properties from DC Comics in his career, he is well versed in the entire realm of comics. After the turn of the year, Snyder revealed which story he would love to adapt if he ever decided to dive into the world of Marvel Comics.
In a recent interview with the ComicBook Debate YouTube channel, Justice League director Zack Snyder gave an answer to which Marvel Comics property he would most like to adapt, if given the opportunity.
After looking through his extensive comic collection in his house, Snyder landed on "Elektra Lives Again," created by noted graphic artist Frank Miller in 1990:
I would choose Electra Lives Again. Do you know that Frank Miller comic book? It’s a graphic novel about, Daredevil is having these dreams about Elektra coming to life, and it’s really cool and weird, and it’s all Lynn Varley-painted, the color and it’s like, it’s just cool and beautiful. That’s what I would do.
The full interview can be seen below. Snyder's comments on Daredevil come just before the 35:00 mark:
There are no current signs that Zack Snyder would take his talents to Marvel Studios in the foreseeable future, but his choice for a project he would love to adapt is undoubtedly a big one in comics lore .
Coming as a spin-off piece from Frank Miller's run with the Daredevil comics, this comic centers around Matt Murdock mourning the death of Elektra before she returns from the dead in a story that includes one of their most notable nemeses, Bullseye. It's an insane story that fully embraces the concept of what's real and what isn't, and it seems like something that would fit right into Zack Snyder's wheelhouse considering the work he's released on screen.
This comic almost gives off the same vibes as some of Snyder's work within the DCEU, particularly moments like the Batman Knightmare scene from Batman v Superman . The likelihood of this Marvel adaptation coming to reality seems highly unlikely, but Snyder's response fits right into his wheelhouse should the parties that be ever truly consider bringing it to life.
For now, Snyder is hard at work finishing the final touches on the Snyder Cut of Justice League . This movie will release on HBO Max in March 2021.