In addition to Matt Reeves' The Batman starring Robert Pattinson and Aquaman 2 starring Jason Momoa; DC fans will finally see the Scarlet Speedster's solo film The Flash arrive on the big screen in 2022.
Inspired by the comic book storyline Flashpoint, Miller's Barry Allen looks to usher in time travel - as well DC's own form of the multiverse - in the film and thus, creating various opportunities for interactions with heroes from the studio's past and present.
Much of the buzz forThe Flash so far has revolved around the confirmed appearances by Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton's as their respective Batmen, as well as Supergirl - played by Sasha Calle - in a supporting role.
Still, there have been rumors of additional characters making appearances; and now, a new social media post from one DC's biggest stars lends credence to those theories.
Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman To Appear in The Flash?
Gal Gadot, who has played Diana Prince/Wonder Woman since 2016, shared an Instagram story that showed Supergirl's Sasha Calle posing next to a Wonder Woman cutout.
However, this particular Wonder Woman likeness is wearing a hat related to The Flash film.

In addition to tagging Calle, Gadot captioned the image with the phrase "Me and my super friends."
Sasha Calle then shared Gadot's story to her own while adding a caption that read, "this is me playing it cool. Hi Gal x."

Gadot's interaction with The Flash's Calle - coupled with the fact her character of Wonder Woman is wearing a hat related to the shoot - supports rumors that Gadot's Diana Prince could appear in the 2022 film.
Flash Fans Wondering About Wonder Woman
In addition to Gadot's social media posts, there have been other hints towards a Barry Allen and Diana Prince reunion. This includes a set photo that showed Wonder Woman's face on a bus ad indicating her in-universe presence.
While some may attribute her potential role to Wonder Woman's involvement in the Flashpoint comic book storyline, it's worth noting that The Flash appears to be drawing inspiration from the story as opposed to being a faithful, live-action adaptation. Instead, it's possible that Gadot's potential involvement may be due to the studio's future plans.
According to the film's producer, Barbara Muschietti, The Flash is looking to restart the DCEU which - to date - has suffered from its lack of a unified vision and direction in the wake of the Justice League fiasco and the departure from Zack Snyder's plans.
If the studio is looking at Miller's solo film as its canonical restart button, it makes sense for one of the franchise's most popular and successful stars to be part of that story in order to continue her stories down the line.
The Flash is set to premiere in theaters on November 4, 2022.