One of Warner Bros.' most intriguing DC projects in the works is the long-awaited solo film, The Flash.
For a film about speed, it's ironic that this particular project has taken so long manifest; but, that's not the only reason why fans are eager for the Scarlet Speedster's standalone story.
In addition to Ezra Miller reprising his role as Barry Allen, The Flash is also set to star Sashe Calle as Supergirl in addition to multiple Batmen that DC fans have seen before but never together on screen.
Now, the show's leading star has explained how this concept will come to fruition...

In a recently leaked featurette for The Flash that has been taken down from YouTube but made its way to Twitter, Ezra Miller broke down how various Batmen are possible in the film referring to "the makeup of reality" and how "he can travel through time:"
"The Flash is unique is amongst the Justice League. He's the first quantum superhero because he follows how pitch, speed, and velocity determines the makeup of reality. What I love about the Flash is that it's theoretically just a singular power which is speed. That one factor when pushed to extremes can become a whole bunch of powers. He can make a tornado, he can run across water, he can travel through time."
This explains how there could be more than one Caped Crusader, and Ezra confirmed as much in stating that "there's multiple Batman's, Batsmen? There's more than one Batman."
Of those multiple Batmen, fans know at least two former Dark Knights will be joining Miller's Flash with one being Ben Affleck's most recent incarnation of the character while the other is Michael Keaton reprising his version from 1989.
In addition to the news that The Flash will revisit the gothic, Burton-style Gotham City from the '89 film, a new batch of concept art depicting Keaton's Batman in a Batcave recently leaked online as well.
In the video, Miller wasn't afraid to share his excitement for his first superhero solo film and what's to come, saying that The Flash "is like the most hypebeast-ly DC movie ever. It's going to blow people's heads off."
Of course, a film featuring various versions of Batman is incredibly exciting from a fan perspective; but, at the end of the day, this isn't a Batman movie. It's a film about the Flash and his story.
Miller's breakdown video, while spoilery, to be sure, managed to recenter the film on his character of Barry Allen while also explaining how the various Batmen plot point works for his film.
It's also worth noting that his commentary may have revealed what audiences can expect to see the Flash doing during the film along with time travel, such as running across water and even making a tornado.
From the prospect of the Flash's abilities being fully explored on-screen to the return of Keaton and his Gotham City, The Flash may have taken a long road to reach the screen, but it should be well worth the wait.
The Flash is set to release in theaters on November 4, 2022.