Pixar's Win or Lose series features a lovable cast of kid characters; however, they specific ages can (at times be unclear).
The series centers on a co-ed middle school softball team known as The Pickles. Audiences are introduced to the team, through eight interconnected stories, with each episode taking place from the point of view of another kid.
Win or Lose has been described as one of Disney+'s biggest series of the year, marking the first original scripted show for Pixar.
How Old Are Win Or Lose's Characters?
Yuwen Wang

Leading the series as one of its pre-teen softball players is Yuwen Wang. Known as the pitcher for The Pickles, Yuwen is described as a joke-cracking tween, putting his age somewhere around 12 or 13 (likely 12 as if he was 13, he would get the teen branding like some of his other teammates.
Yuwen is the firecracker of The Pickles softball team. He is loud and proud of it, using jokes—often at the expense of others—to garner as much attention as possible.

Laurie is one of the few kids who is definitively 12 years old in Win or Lose. Her age is expressly noted during the series, making her stand out among her fellow Pickles teammates.
Laurie is a constantly nervous batter for The Pickles team who cannot stop questioning if she is good enough. This anxiety takes the form of an anthropomorphic sweat droplet that weighs heavy on her mind both at the ballpark and not.
Rochelle Rodriguez

Rochelle Rodriguez is the brains behind The Pickles operation. She is one of the older kids on the team, being 13 years old and playing back-catcher for The Pickles on the diamond.
Rochelle is described in the series as a "teenage CEO" known for doing well in school but suffering from severe spouts of bad luck. While Rochelle is very mature for her age, there is a reason for that, as she was forced to earn her own keep from a young age thanks to her mother's continued struggles to find a job.

Kai is a new kid coming to The Pickles from another team. It is unknown what happened with her last softball team, but it seems as though some significant event caused the star player to move towns and become a member of the show's central band of pre-teen slo-pitch players.
Her specific age is not disclosed in the show itself, but given this is not her first year playing softball, and she is a similar age to the rest of her Pickles teammates, she is likely around 13 years old.

Taylor is another character described as a pre-teen in the series, meaning she is likely around 12, being not quite yet a teen. She is a shortstop for The Pickles and the older sister of the adorable Ira.
While she tries to have fun on the softball team, much of Taylor's time is spent being a big sister, as she attempts to stop her little brother from getting into trouble—something he seems to have a nose for.

At 13 years old, Tom is one of the elder statesmen of The Pickles softball team. Tom is the lanky first baseman for the show's central team, who is just happy he is there most of the time.
Tom is now the brightest member of the Win or Lose cast, and he knows it. This lack of smarts comes to a head in the series, as he attempts to cheat on some of his schoolwork with Taylor's help.
Brian Dyson

Brian Dyson is one of the main antagonists in Win or Lose, at around 14 or 15 years old. He is one of the older middle school kids in the series with a plot to rob the concession stand at the local ballpark.
Brian is a teenage rebel who leads a trio of hoodlums known as The Bleacher Creatures, who employ a group of younger kids to make their concession stand heist a reality.

Rinna is the same age as Brian (around 14 or 15 years old), being one of the older kids seen in the series. She is another member of The Bleacher Creatures who has helped concoct a scheme to rob the concession stand blind.
Like Brian, Rinna is a troublemaker, using her silver tongue and sweet-talking prowess to get herself out of the watchful eye of the adults.
Coach Dan

Brought to life by former Saturday Night Live player Will Forte (who can be seen in the SNL 50th Anniversary Special), Coach Dan is one of the few adults who gets the focus in Win or Lose.
He looks to be one of the older adults in the series, seemingly being in is later 30s or early 40s. He is the coach of The Pickles and the father of aspiring pitcher, Laurie.
Frank Brown

Frank Brown is another of the adults in the series, being the kids' Middle School Civics teacher as well as the umpire for all of The Pickles' games. He looks to be a bit younger than some of the parents in Win or Lose, being somewhere in his late 20s.
Frank is always one to stand up for what he believes in, which is something he uses plenty while on the ball diamond as he grows a reputation for calling foul balls when they may have clearly not been foul.

Ira is one of the youngest characters in Win or Lose. He is around seven or eight years old, a couple of years younger than his middle school-aged older sister, Taylor.
While Ira does not always necessarily mean to get himself into trouble, trouble is always finding the young boy, making the job of his older sister even harder, as she tries to keep him safe.

Lena is one of the few young adults in the series, being a similar age to Frank Brown. Lena is in her early-to-mid 20 looking to be college-age with her dyed green hair, punk rock piercings, and black beanie.
She is a barista at the local coffee shop who Frank seems to be harboring feelings for—something she is completely oblivious to.
Vanessa Rodriguez

Vanessa Rodriguez is Rochelle's outgoing single mother, who is expressly described as being 30 years old in the series. In fact, the show's championship game notably takes place on her 30th birthday, ringing in her 30s with the biggest game in Pickles history.
Vanessa spends her days working as a PR Specialist for a major company in the Win or Lose universe, doing her best to provide for her two children.
Zane Rodriguez

Zane Rodriguez is somewhere between 18 months and two years old. He is Rochelle's toddler younger brother who cannot walk and barely talks, but he still has a spunky little developing personality.
Zane seems to be teething during the events of Win or Lose as he is seen constantly biting his mother throughout the series.
Win or Lose is now streaming on Disney+.