Fans were surprised just as much as Wanda and Vision were when Wanda went through an entire pregnancy in WandaVision 's third episode "Now in Color,” giving birth to her twins, Billy and Tommy. Both characters are members of the Young Avengers , currently rumored to be in development as either a Disney+ show or film .
Recent evidence points to Julian Hilliard and Jett Klyne, who played Billy and Tommy respectfully, being present in the U.K. for the production of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness . Their appearance was already rumored before this discovery, indicating that the twins with older actors would appear in the Doctor Strange sequel alongside their mother .
However, the last post-credit scene with Wanda reading the Darkhold heavily implied that the newly formed Scarlet Witch still has her children on her mind...
Speaking with Variety , actress Elizabeth Olsen and WandaVision creator Jac Schaeffer were asked about different elements of the show, including the rapid birth of Wanda's twins, Billy and Tommy.
Additionally, Olsen was asked how she explored that aspect of Wanda and how it will affect her character in the Doctor Strange sequel, noting that Wanda hears the cries of her children in the last post-credit scene of the last episode.
Olsen said that she had not watched the last episode, “The Series Finale,” yet, but that “There are multiple versions of all [post-credits] tags in Marvel world. So that's good to know, because that was the conversation, should we or should we not hear the boys.”
Olsen noted that Wanda hearing her children's cries “...has enriched her humanity and has now become more informative of the character she continues to become.”
Moving onto the actual process in which Wanda gave birth in the show, Olsen said she had extensive conversations with Schaeffer about portraying it on the show:
“Jac and I had so many conversations about the love/hate relationship of a woman going through nine months pregnancy within a matter of minutes and the falseness of our pregnancy TV just you know perpetuating these blissful birth sequences that last seconds long. But at least we're all very aware that it is not us trying to kind of put a blanket over this fuzzy beautiful aspirational birth experience, where she all sudden loses the belly immediately.”
Despite Wanda only having spent less than two weeks with her children, Olsen believed that “...it doesn’t take away from the experience of the potential of having been actually these 10 years with these children, and I think that’s really important to feel as an audience member and for Wanda to have experienced.”
Finally, when asked about the potential for WandaVision to continue, despite the last episode being called “The Series Finale,” Schaeffer jokingly shifted the question to Olsen instead, who said "we all know not to say no in the Marvel world:"
“Oh gosh. I'll just steal what Feige said, which is that's not in the plan; however, we all know not to say no in the Marvel world. Anything can be possible, even if it's not the immediate plan when you're making something.”
It seems apparent that Wanda is using the Darkhold as a means to recreate or, more likely, find her children as she hears their cries for help inside her head. Wanda searching through the multiverse to find versions of her children that exist and plucking them from whatever universe she finds them in makes sense as an inciting conflict for the Doctor Strange sequel.
Messing with the multiverse would certainly lead to madness, leaving Doctor Strange to fix it. At this point, it's unknown whether Wanda will act as an antagonist to the Sorcerer Supreme, although from what's been said about the Scarlet Witch , that she would destroy the world and that her power “ exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme,” it seems likely.
Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige did reiterate that what Wanda did in WandaVision was wrong , and Schaeffer assuring fans that Wanda is likely to still face “reckonings down the line,” could very well mean that Doctor Strange is one of them.