Warning - This article contains spoilers for The Mandalorian Season 2.
Has everyone gotten over the shock of what they've just seen?
The Mandalorian Season 2 premiered with Chapter 9: The Marshal , and it was a heck of a way to get the ball rolling. Surprisingly, the season kicked off with the big episode on Tatooine, where Mando came into contact with Cobb Vanth, who was donning the armor of Boba Fett.
One of the many neat aspects of the episode was the appearance of a Krayt Dragon , the viscious beats dwelling beneath the sands of our favorite dustball. During the confrontation with the creature, Mando elects to take matters into his own hands and send Vanth to protect the Child - in a funny and familiar way...
In Chapter 9: The Marshal , a direct reference is made to Han Solo accidentally activating Boba Fett's jetpack during the Battle of Great Karcoon in Return of the Jedi . The image below shows the comparison between that moment and when Mando deliberately engages the same jetpack now worn by Vanth:

References to other Star Wars projects are a staple for the franchise, and Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni have delivered with these time and time again. This is such a small thing that happens in the heat of a major action sequence, but it's incredible attention to detail.
Clearly it's time for Boba Fett to make some upgrades to his gear, assuming that he does in fact re-acquire it. For the most part, the beskar served him well in allowing him to survive the fall into the Sarlacc's belly. But it's evident that that jetpack could use a bit of work, otherwise its wearer will continue to take unexpected flights.
In the grand scheme of things this doesn't really mean much, but it's a very cool nod to what was originally a very embarassing demise for the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunter. If little things like this are already popping up in the first episode, the rest of the season is sure to be full of fun surprises.