Tatooine. Tusken Raiders. Krayt Dragons. Cobb Vanth. Boba Fett.
Each of these has already appeared in The Mandalorian Season 2, and there's only been one episode. Following the events of the first season, Mando and the Child set off on a quest to find other Mandalorians who could help them find the latter's kind - those being the Jedi. And the adventure that ensued on Tatooine, culminating in the appearance of Boba Fett, put Star Wars fans over the moon.
But that was just the beginning. Fett may now be back in the fold, but Mando's quest is barely getting started. It seems as if Din Djarin is making just as many friends as foes, and while Fett's role in the story is currently ambiguous, it's hard to imagine him serving anyone's interests but his own. The trajectory of the season still remains unknown, but a new press release has revealed the plot of the next episode...
A new episode description for The Mandalorian "Chapter 10" has been shared by SYFY :
"The Mandalorian must ferry a passenger with precious cargo on a risky journey."

Well, there are no ferries on Tatooine, so Mando and the Child are certainly leaving that dustball behind - at least, for now. The massive boat has been seen in both the Season 2 trailer and several TV spots, and as far as we know the sequence takes place on an unknown world.
Who might this mysterious passenger be? There's a good chance it's the classy lizard seen briefly in promotional footage , and the precious cargo in question is likely the egg canister that the Child has taken a liking to . Interestingly, an analysis of the previously released shots indicates that the Razor Crest is damaged in a crash landing, so Mando somehow finds his way from the ice cave to the ferry, and back.
But what of Boba Fett. The tease of the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunter piqued people's interest coming out of "Chapter 9 - The Marshal", but this synopsis indicates that a continuation of that plotline isn't in the cards for the upcoming episode. Will Mando and Fett cross paths at the start and then separate, leading to the rest of the job of the episode's story? Or will Tatooine be long behind us, and Fett's role will be picked up another day?
The identity of Sasha Banks' character is also a possible reveal, as the hooded figure will be making appearance at the port housing the ferry. What leads Mando to this world and how it factors into the story still remains to be seen, but all answers will be revealed in just a few short days when "Chapter 10" drops on Friday!