Now that the Skywalker Saga is over, Star Wars is in a bit of a weird place. Lucasfilm struck gold with The Mandalorian and Jon Favreau seems to have big plans for the show's second season. Besides that, they have a great deal of confirmed TV projects in development, including the Obi-Wan Kenobi show, Cassian Andor series, and Leslye Headland's female-centric series. Some of them have shared shifts in the creative teams, in conjunction with the delays due to COVID-19. There are plenty of other rumored shows in development, such as the Rebels sequel and two other animated series, but nothing has been confirmed from Lucasfilm Animation just yet.
As for the films, the only news to come out recently was that Taika Waititi would be taking the helm for a new project with Krysty Wilson-Cairns co-writing. It's unclear if this is in relation to the still-untitled 2022 Star Wars film. It's becoming less and less likely that that movie will make its release date with the continued fallout from the current pandemic, which will in turn push back the other two Untitled films set for 2024 and 2026.
While many can speculate and assume the specific plot details behind the diverse selection above, especially with the Obi-Wan and Cassian Andor series, it's unclear where these directors are headed with their respected stories. So The Direct decided to break down five different lines of storytelling that would be ideal choices for the franchise's next era.
Origins of the Jedi
There’s been a number of unexplained mysteries to arise in the Star Wars lore since it hit theaters back in 1977, but one stands out among the bunch that fans have always speculated about: How did the Jedi come into existence? A similar question that coincides with this topic is how the Force originated, but like most religions, the exact details of that higher power will likely remain unanswered as some queries are just a simple matter of faith.
Nonetheless, the story of particular individuals discovering this energy field and how it binds the galaxy together is a vast canvas for creators to delve into.
It’s been reported that the now-scrapped David Benioff and D.B. Weiss trilogy was supposed to center around this same subject, as well as take inspiration from the “Old Republic” narratives. If this is accurate, then we know Lucasfilm was ambitious enough to take the franchise to uncharted waters.
Not only are the Jedis' beginnings a fascinating matter on their own, but exploring their origins would present an opportunity to further examine the nature of the Force. It wouldn’t be the first time Star Wars has taken that route, either; there’s great source material across various mediums storytellers could use for insight.
The Mortis arc from Star Wars: The Clone Wars' third season introduced an entirely new world to the fandom, one at the heart of the great mystery. A realm unmarked on any galactic map and innately tied to the Force itself, many surmise Mortis is where the Force derives its power and emanated from. If that is the case, then Mortis could easily be linked in chronicling the roots of the Jedi Order.
Additionally, Yoda’s extraordinary adventure in Season 6 was a remarkable addition to the franchise and wonderfully expanded the mythology that George Lucas established in his trilogies, particularly with the idea of Force Ghosts. The story arc illustrated the beginning of Yoda’s journey of transition from the warrior-like Jedi during the Clone Wars to the selfless teacher he is in The Empire Strikes Back, as Dave Filoni has even stated. Perhaps spirits return from the netherworld of the Force or the Priestesses make themselves known to engage with Force-sensitive creatures
Even the ancient Jedi texts from the planet Ahch-To in The Last Jedi provide a strong foundation for the direction of the story. However it would take shape, it’s almost certain that the teachings seen from the original Jedi Order would resemble those that Obi-Wan and Yoda used to educate Luke. The knowledge they share is much different from the dogmatic view we see in the prequels and highlight the true essence of the light side of the Force.
This storyline could even explore the midichlorians and the “micro biotic world” Lucas wanted to study in his sequel trilogy plans. It’s hard to determine the exact direction Disney is going with Star Wars, but one can only hope they will build off the many easter eggs and set-ups from previous installments.
Darth Bane and the Rule of Two
One of the arcs in Star Wars: The Clone Wars' Season 6 was Yoda’s unusual journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, as mentioned in the previous section. In it, Lucasfilm made one of the most widely discussed Star Wars characters in Legends officially canon: Darth Bane.
Bane has a captivating background in Drew Karpyshyn’s trilogy of (non-canon) books. He was once a member of the Sith Order called the Brotherhood of Darkness, but lost confidence in their methods. After leaving the order, Bane learned new skills through Darth Revan’s holocron. Eventually, Bane destroyed the Brotherhood, and implemented a new order of Sith in the galaxy that would not be plagued by infighting and greed.
To clarify, this is just a summary of his Legends version. In The Clone Wars episode “Sacrifice,” Yoda encounters an apparition of Bane and confirms his big claim to fame from the Expanded Universe (EU) indeed carried over into canon: He was the Sith Lord who created the Rule of Two. This idea directed that only two Sith Lords could exist at once, a master to hold the power and an apprentice to crave it.
Yes, this is a lot to take in, and the EU supplies even more detail. But that is precisely the reason why this subject is perfect for Star Wars’ future storytelling. Whether they carry out a strict adaptation of Karpyshyn’s novels or just use the foundation provided in canon, a gripping narrative exists that could really dig into the practices of the Sith.
Bane could also serve as the entryway to the past wars between the Jedi and Sith, as well as why exactly the Darksiders failed time and time again. If the story were told, the history between the two sects could be as rich as the ancient Greeks and Romans.
The Mandalorian-Jedi Wars
One topic that continues to develop within the franchise is the Mandalorians and their war-ridden past with each other and the Jedi. This past December in the season finale of The Mandalorian, the Armorer hints at battles between Mandalore the Great and the Jedi, who she calls sorcerers.
The reasoning behind the wars are unknown in canon, but “songs from eons past tell” of the conflict. The Mandalorians also fought against the Old Republic, and House Vizsla retrieved the Darksaber from the Jedi Temple during this time. Their final clash with the Jedi left Mandalore’s surface scorched, creating plains of desert across the planet.
Other minor details have been spread among The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, for instance, the Mandalorian capsule that could hold Force-sensitive beings and contain their powers. Bo Katan-Kryze described the vault as a device from “a bygone era” used to imprison the Jedi Knights. But Kanan Jarrus would want to give everyone a history lesson and remind them that “the Jedi won the war with Mandalore.”
To successfully combat the sorcerers, Mandalorian technology significantly advanced around this period, which is evident in Rebels’ “Trials of the Darksaber.” This upgrade in armor and weaponry is just another facet into the great possibility of this storyline.
The style of Game of Thrones is an ideal match for the type of series one would envision for this subject. Taking the element of war but combining charming characters, personal stories, politics, and a thrilling mythology that goes beyond the audience’s initial understanding would be a curious and epic addition to Star Wars.
After the confirmation of a Taika Waititi-directed Star Wars film somewhere in Lucasfilm’s pipeline, alongside the recent success of The Mandalorian, it would be no surprise to see the company stick with Mandalore and its appealing culture, which has consistently been expanded in almost every Star Wars television show since Disney purchased Lucasfilm.
Furthermore, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker made Darth Revan, a titular character of Legends lore, canon amongst the Sith Eternal army. His backstory in the EU was associated with their version of the Mandalorian-Jedi wars. This could potentially mark his grand entrance to the wider audience if they were to go this route.
Pre-Lightspeed and Galactic Explorers of the Unknown
Marco Polo, Ferdinand Magellan, Ibn Battuta, Christopher Columbus, Vasco de Gama, Amerigo Vespucci. This is just a small list of some of the world’s greatest explorers that played a pivotal role in magnifying the scope of the planet. They discovered new lands, accomplished unimaginable feats, and linked separated cultures together in astounding ways.
There had to be a time in the galaxy far, far away when people were more primitive and hyperspace travel did not exist. So, who invented it? How did it become so easy for travelers to not just go from planet to planet, but from solar system to solar system in a matter of minutes? There is a magnificent story in those questions that could investigate the men, women, or aliens that pioneered such technology and ventured out into unknown space.
The galactic explorers could introduce worlds and species unseen to their kind and the audience alike. Their travels could spell certain danger for the universe as they might unlock sealed threats or encounter the Jedi, Sith, or other Force-wielding maniacs, as Bo-Katan would so kindly put it.
In addition, this type of story could illustrate how individuals instituted governments that spanned throughout planets, systems, and eventually, the galaxy. Maintaining a galactic-wide governing entity is a costly task, but one made easier with the use of lightspeed.
But this concept could be taken in a completely different direction. Just as one could use Game of Thrones as a template for the previous subject, Lucasfilm could be inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean films to navigate this topic. The focus could be on an action-adventure with pirates taking advantage of the latest technology and in search for new treasures on the horizon.
Lucasfilm is doing something similar with the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing series. Set in a time when new hyperspace routes are extending the reaches of the galaxy, The Nihil, or Space Vikings, are the major threat of disorder to the Republic and Jedi. Vikings and pirates, however, aren’t the only criminals trying to make their way in the universe.
Operation of the Crime Syndicates
Out of all the subjects discussed so far, this one has been seen the most from the Star Wars franchise. The Clone Wars and Rebels provided countless of scoundrels and outlaws for fans to adore, including Embo, Aurra Sing, Cad Bane, and Hondo Ohnaka. But it also gave them a fresh take on the numerous and intricate crime syndicates dispersed all over the galaxy.
The Clone Wars offered a badass look at the criminal underworld with the Shadow Collective in Season 5. This alliance was initiated by the former Darth Maul. He and his brother, Savage Oppress, took control of the Mandalorian faction Death Watch, the Pyke Syndicate, the Hutts, Black Sun, and Nightbrothers. Together, they took over Mandalore.
It was later disclosed in Season 7 that Crimson Dawn, led by Dryden Vos, joined the syndicate. This closely ties into the film Solo: A Star Wars Story, when Qi’ra contacts Maul after the Vos’ death. That movie was one of the more recent displays of syndicates at work, but obviously that wasn’t its purpose, as the film is called Solo.
So why not make an actual crime story in the vein of Goodfellas or The Godfather? Instead of forming the plot around hired smugglers or bounty hunters from an outsider’s perspective, Lucasfilm should concentrate on a specific person or mob with an insider’s point of view in conducting the illegal business and stirring trouble for regular folk. Seeing gangsters operate in any time period wouldn’t necessarily be unconventional for Star Wars, but novel enough to give a distinct standpoint that doesn’t rely on the Force, a rebellion, or any of the typical aspects from the series.
Writers could even show the inception of a syndicate mentioned above, like the Pyke’s or Black Sun. Naturally, there would need to be a hero or anti-hero of some kind, but there are plenty of ways to spin the story in the right direction for Star Wars.
There are so many subjects that Lucasfilm can touch on in the future, whether its' from the EU, pre-existing canon, or something totally new. The Direct wants to hear your thoughts on what kind of stories and topics you want to see from a Star Wars feature film or series! Which one of these did you find the most intriguing? Answer our poll and leave a comment below!