With less than a month remaining until its global release, the marketing campaign for Spider-Man: No Way Home is finally starting to kick into high gear.
Most of this started with the long-awaited premiere of the threequel’s second trailer, which gave fans just a hint of the madness in front of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man. Confirming appearances for at least five villains and giving signs of the Multiverse coming apart at the seams, the stage is set for arguably Marvel Studios’ biggest solo movie ever.
Although there probably won’t be another full trailer before the movie’s December 17 debut, Marvel and Sony are now releasing shorter TV spots to keep No Way Home at the forefront of fan discussion.
New footage from these spots features more new material from the Doc Ock scene on the Washington Bridge along with Peter realizing that the Multiverse is actually real. The promotional tour is also focusing on the more personal side of the story too with a spot that shows a “simple” chat between boyfriend and girlfriend.
Peter and MJ Bond over Spidey Madness
Twitter user @spideyupdated shared a new 30-second TV spot from Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures' Spider-Man: No Way Home.
This spot gives a new look at Tom Holland's Peter Parker and Zendaya's MJ hiding out on a rooftop as MJ reads the New York Post article about Holland's hero. The title of that edition reads "Peter Parker & His Spider-Minions."

There is also a new look at the two jumping off the Queensboro bridge after Peter's identity was revealed.

In the spot, Peter and MJ are video-chatting as Peter utters the first line of the movie's second trailer talking about the one week his life has felt normal since he was "bit by that spider."

This comes before material that has largely been seen in the film's two big trailers before a scene with MJ and Peter in the basement of the Sanctum Sanctorum.

Zendaya shows her comedic skills by suggesting Peter tell her and their friends what's going on next time something this major happens:
"When you’re thinking ‘Hey, I’m about to do something that could break the universe,’ run it by us next time.'

Holland and Zendaya In Love On Screen
There are plenty of clear reasons why Spider-Man is being built up as one of the biggest MCU films in some time. Most of it has to do with the Multiverse and past Spidey movie villains coming into play. But it’s also a movie that features a classic Marvel relationship coming to fruition with Holland and Zendaya’s high school lovers coming together through the madness.
While previous trailers showed brief moments from Peter and MJ’s video chat, this one hints at just how important it will be in the aftermath of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Their relationship will play a vital part in Spider-Man’s fight against the entire Multiverse, even with a potential wrench thrown in due to Doctor Strange's botched spell.
Spider-Man: No Way Home's promotional tour has already teased quite the dangerous adventure for Holland and Zendaya's on-screen couple with footage showcasing MJ right in the middle of the mayhem as Peter tries to save her life. With funny and sweet moments like the ones in this spot coming long before that, this relationship will play as big of a role as anything else in this universe-shattering ride.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is set to swing into theaters on December 17, 2021.