Netflix's My Life with the Walter Boys highlights a remarkable cast of newcomers who took the spotlight, including Noah LaLonde as Cole Walter.
Lalonde's Cole Walter is perhaps the most mysterious among the titular Walter brothers. The character's downfall comes after he is sidelined by an injury that derails his plan to play football and chase his dreams.
My Life with the Walter Boys marks LaLonde's first series regular stint after a one-episode appearance in 2022's Criminal Minds.
7 Facts About Netflix Star Noah LaLonde

Hockey Has Shaped Noah Growing Up
Noah LaLonde's character, Cole, has a bit of a struggle in My Life with Walter Boys after a tragic football injury. Interestingly, LaLonde has a bit of experience in that arena since he is also passionate about sports - most specifically hockey.
Speaking with Bello, LaLonde proudly said that "hockey was [his] sport," pointing out that it is "the defining element of [his] childhood and early adult years:"
"For me, specifically, hockey was my sport. It was pretty much the defining element of my childhood and early adult years, where my family and I dedicated many days spent traveling to or at a rink somewhere in the US or Canada."
LaLonde was a forward for the Grand Valley State University's hockey team at Allendale Charter Township, Michigan.
In 2018, the 5'10 athlete, (via pointstreak), played two games for his school where he had three points with one goal and two assists in his only season.
Although it's clear that he has a passion for the sport, the actor admitted that it "became too large of a time commitment:"
"I was also active in school, before hockey became too large of a time commitment."
LaLonde then said that he used films and TV shows as an "escape" when hockey "got more serious:"
"As hockey got more serious, I found myself very into films and television, taking a lot of free time to escape into these different worlds on the screen."
Noah Started Acting at a Very Young Age
Growing up, Noah LaLonde became acquainted with acting after being involved in various school plays during his elementary and middle school years in Macomb County.
In the same interview with Bello, LaLonde reflected on his early acting journey, noting his past roles as the likes of Prince Charming, the Big Bad Wolf, and "Elfis" in elementary school plays:
"In elementary school, I took part in the school plays, once embodying Prince Charming, another time the 'Big Bad Wolf,' and I’ll never forget playing the Christmas version of Elvis, 'Elfis.'"
The 25-year-old actor also talked about being part of a High School Musical-ish program during middle school:
"In middle school, I was a part of a very 'High School Musical' type choir program. So, from the beginning, I was pulled towards the arts, even if I didn’t really know how to define my attraction to it at the time."
LaLonde then explained why he keeps coming back to movies, television, and music amid his struggles in real life:
"Real life, complicated feelings, and events start to happen, and I guess the place I keep returning to is in the movies, television, and music. So, when I finally retired from hockey a year after high school, I found myself making my way toward acting and theatre training, locally and in undergraduate studies, until I dropped out of college and decided acting was what I’d pursue full-time."
LaLonde ultimately decided to pursue his acting passions in full in 2021.
Noah Appeared In Criminal Minds (And Some Shorts)
In 2021, Noah LaLonde took part in a series of shorts such as Toby with an I, The Smile I Wear, and Summer Flings & Funerals.
The actor's first major role was playing Rece in Asbury Park in 2021 and it was then followed up by a memorable performance as Wes in 2022's Deer Camp '86.
LaLonde's big break came in Criminal Minds: Evolution where he portrayed a serial killer named Gael Bruneau in Season 16, Episode 4, entitled "Pay-Per-View," on December 8, 2022.
Fans can watch Noah LaLonde's Summer Flings & Funerals below, a short film where he portrayed one of the lead characters:
Noah Impersonated DiCaprio for His Walter Boys Audition
My Life with the Walter Boys creator Melanie Halsall told Tudum an interesting tidbit about Noah LaLonde's audition.
Speaking on the set of the series in August 2022, Halsall revealed that the actor impersonated the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio and Matthew McConaughey during his audition.
The series creator reflected on why she chose LaLonde for the role of Cole, noting that the actor fits the "not some smoldering bad boy" type:
“We wanted someone absolutely drop-dead gorgeous obviously, but he’s not some smoldering bad boy who’s sulking. He’s someone who’s gone through something that’s changed his entire life.”
Halsall ended by pointing out that Cole is the “most honorable, noble character in our show," telling readers that "he's actually very, very sweet."
Noah Is a Lot Like Walter Boys' Cole
In the same interview with Tudum, Noah LaLonde said that his character, Cole, is his younger self, describing him as “Noah before he learned a lot of the important things that make me who I am today.”
The actor also told Bello why he is drawn to Cole in the Netflix series, detailing his experiences that "closely mirrored" his personal life:
"I think the thing that initially drew me to the role of Cole in 'My Life with the Walter Boys' was exactly that, those experiences that were so closely mirrored in my own life. When I stopped playing hockey those initial months (and even years) after was a journey of redefining and discovering my identity. For a long time, I was 'Noah LaLonde the hockey player,' and my character was always known as 'Cole Walter the local star quarterback.'"
While their paths are different, LaLonde pointed out that the emotions that come with the process of letting go and taking the next big step in their lives made the character relatable for him:
"We ended our careers in different ways, I left willingly, and he by force of injury, but those emotions that come with that redefining process were the jumping-off point for me. How do you take the next step in building who you are and the life you’re going to live? We both had to answer that same question."
He's a Cat Fan, But...
Noah LaLonde told Bello that he's "allergic to cats," though that didn't stop him from having one.
'Walter Boys' Experience Was 'Beautiful' for Noah
After his major stint in Criminal Minds, Noah LaLonde had a memorable role in My Life with the Walter Boys.
Speaking with Bello, the actor proudly said that working on the series was "one of the greatest times of [his] life," noting that it was his "first on-location, long-term job:"
"I have no hesitation in saying that my experience working on 'My Life with the Walter Boys' was truly one of the greatest times of my life. My first on-location, long-term job, in a new place (we filmed in Calgary), with a group of, genuinely, some of the most incredible people I’ve ever met. I cherish those days a lot, and the friendships and experiences in those five months are something I’m proud to carry with me every day."
LaLonde also admitted that it was "the most concentrated education session" that he experienced as an actor:
"As an actor, it’s without a doubt the most concentrated education session I’ve ever had, on what it is to be an actor, and all that that entails. So, along with being one of my greatest personal experiences, it was also my greatest professional experience. "
The rising star ended by saying that he had a "beautiful" experience working with My Life with the Walter Boys' cast and crew:
"My biggest takeaway: you simply cannot complete a project like this without the right group of people. The passion, love, dedication, and ability that the people on this set displayed, was like nothing I’d ever seen. Beautiful is an understatement."
Where Can Fans Follow Noah LaLonde?
For more news and updates about Noah LaLonde, fans can follow him on his Instagram (@noahlalalalonde) and TikTok (noahlalonde_).
My Life with the Walter Boys is now streaming on Netflix.