Marvel Studios' Moon Knight only scratched the surface of what the leading character could bring to the table, particularly in terms of the numerous personalities that drive the leading hero's story forward. Season 1 largely focused on Marc Spector and his main alternate persona, Steven Grant, although the darker Jake Lockley also made his presence felt throughout the series.
Oscar Isaac brought Jake Lockley to life in the post-credits scene from Episode 6 as he drove up to the mental institution in a fancy limousine before seemingly killing Ethan Hawke's Arthur Harrow. While this most immediately sets up some wild potential storylines for Season 2, if and when Moon Knight gets a confirmed renewal, Jake's presence is already something that has fans thinking about what's on the way.
Jake Lockley was teased on at least a dozen occasions in Season 1 before finally being introduced by name, adding a new dynamic to Marc Spector's growing legacy within the MCU. According to the crew that worked on Moon Knight, this is only the beginning for Marc's most violent personality to date.
Jake Lockley's Path in Moon Knight Season 2

In an interview with Inverse, Moon Knight head writer Jeremy Slater looked ahead to where Jake Lockley, Marc Spector's second alternate personality, could go in future MCU outings.
While Slater confirmed that this version of the character is "definitely not the same Jake from the comics," he also teased the idea of him being an "open book" as he moves past Moon Knight Season 1.
As of now, both Marc Spector and Steven Grant have no idea that Jake even exists, and it's quite unclear whether Jake is a good or bad guy. What's known for sure is that Jake is still deeply connected with Khonshu, as the two are more in concert regarding how to treat bad guys than Khonshu was with Marc or Steven:
“Marc and Steven are still totally unaware of his existence. We don’t necessarily know, is he good? Is he evil? We know he’s working for Khonshu. We know he has some sort of arrangement. And we know he is definitely more on board with Khonshu’s worldview in terms of punishing evildoers.”
The question of whether Jake and, by extension, Moon Knight, is an ally or an enemy in a potential Season 2 is particularly exciting to Slater:
“Everything is in service of the greater good. But is he going to be a friend? Is he an enemy? I think all those are really exciting questions for whoever takes up the reins. Whoever gets to tell the next Moon Knight story, whether that’s me or someone else, that is an exciting promise. This guy’s story is definitely not done.”
Jake Lockley Ready to Cause Mayhem
In speaking with the crew that made Moon Knight possible, it's abundantly clear that Jake Lockley was always an important part of the hero's introduction to the MCU. Whether it was through subtle Easter eggs hidden in the footage or even accidentally adding a nod to the character's existence, Jake's importance to Marc Spector's character only grows with each new reveal.
As of now, there is no official confirmation that Moon Knight will move on to Season 2, although there are a couple of small hints indicating that it's in the cards for the near future. Whenever that becomes a reality, Jake will be a character that fans begin looking for quickly.
Stars from Season 1 have already teased the kind of impact that he'll have on upcoming plotlines, particularly with his intense nature and penchant for killing without too much remorse for the time being. And taking into account that he's the only personality within Marc Spector that's still attached to Khonshu, the superhero side of the equation will be one that raises even more mystery going forward.
Season 1 of Moon Knight is available to stream on Disney+.