Marvel Studios' Moon Knight introduced MCU fans to a handful of powerful new players in Season 1, including Ethan Hawke's mysterious villain Arthur Harrow. This newcomer helped add a sense of fear and mystery to the MCU's growing narrative, along with a thrilling connection to ancient Egyptian mythology.
The big question that fans continue to ask about Moon Knight is if and when it will move on to a second season, which has already been teased on a couple of occasions since Episode 6 debuted. While excitement builds to see actors like Oscar Isaac and May Calamawy return to their roles, other actors like Hawke are still uncertain with regard to this series' future on Disney+.

At the end of Episode 6, Ethan Hawke's Arthur Harrow seemed to meet his end at the end of Jake Lockley's gun barrel in the limousine with Khonshu, leading many to assume that he was dead. However, thanks to a recent Q&A session with one of the show's directors, that may not be such an easy thing to assume when looking back at the MCU's most recent Disney+ show.
Ethan Hawke Set for More Moon Knight?

During a Q&A session on Facebook, roughly translated by Twitter user @boda16_, Moon Knight director Mohamed Diab teased a potential comeback for Ethan Hawke's Arthur Harrow as evidence mounts supporting a second season.
When asked by a fan how Jake Lockley killed Harrow, Diab responded with a question of his own, asking if it was certain that Harrow was really gone:
Fan: “How did Jake kill Harrow although Ammit was inside him and she didn’t prevent Jake from doing that?”
Diab: “Are you sure he’s dead?”
Diab Avoids Confirming Arthur Harrow's Death
As has been the case in numerous other movies and TV shows, both in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and out, is a character really dead if there is no body shown on-screen?
Arthur Harrow certainly had a rough ending in Episode 6 after Marc trapped the goddess Ammit inside his body, driving him insane and leaving him in a mental institution. The confusion increased when Jake Lockley appeared to shoot him in the back of the limousine during the show's only post-credits scene, but fans didn't see the bullets actually hit Harrow and didn't see his body after that moment.
Fans recently saw a similar tactic used in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with Wanda Maximoff's presumed "death," and the same exact thing happened with Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin in the last episode of Hawkeye. Marvel Studios has mastered the ability to keep these moments ambiguous in order to keep options open, which could be exactly what the studio is doing with Hawke in this instance.
While Hawke's return is still unconfirmed, as is Moon Knight as a whole, nobody can count out Arthur Harrow for another round of action in a future MCU project.
All six episodes of Moon Knight are available to stream on Disney+.