Mental health has proven to be a major point of exploration in Phase 4, as Marvel begins to look into the struggles and consequences of being a super-powered person in this world. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier took Bucky Barnes to therapy, WandaVision saw what happens when the most powerful person in the world reaches her breaking point, and Moon Knight is beyond complicated in its own right.
Marc Spector suffers from dissociative identity disorder, a condition in which he lives with multiple people inside his mind who he will frequently switch between. The original Spector is a former soldier, mercenary, and the Avatar of the Egyptian moon god Khonshu, while Steven Grant is a British museum gift shop worker - an identity Marc created to escape his mother's abuse.
Starting off almost scared of each other's existence, the two grew close by the end of the series, giving Oscar Isaac the avenue to deliver a powerful performance as both the main characters. But along the way, there was always a sense of a looming presence - a third alter affecting Marc and Steven throughout the season.
The post-credits scene finally revealed this to be the Spanish-speaking limo driver Jake Lockley, a man known for his brutal killings. While it took until the finale to meet Jake, there were plenty of teases across the six episodes, 12 to be exact.
1.) The Mysterious Date

The first taste of Steven's multiple identities came as he arrived to work to discover he had a date scheduled with a co-worker that he didn't remember booking. At first, this was assumed to be Marc, but now knowing that he is married to Layla, that clearly isn't the case. Jake Lockley is the clear answer here unless, of course, Marc was simply trying to wingman his other-self.
2.) Steven's First Murder Blackout

After waking up in the Alps in the middle of a conflict with Harrow's men, Steven was approached by the villainous leader to return the ancient scarab. While being clamored upon by his followers to take the scarab, Steven blacked out only to see bodies brutally killed around him. Having now seen how Marc fights, he rarely goes that violent, making these kills Jake's first of the season.
3.) Mirror Reflections

Moon Knight had audiences searching for mirrors all the way through the season, as they were often used by Marc and Steven to communicate with each other. Even though neither talks to Jake at any point, there are some occasions where he can be seen as a looming presence. For example, when Steven regains consciousness in bed after the cupcake van chase in the Alps, he looks up at a mirror in which three reflections are faintly visible.

Later in the very same episode, Steven walks through the museum at night before being attacked by a jackal, and he takes a brief look at a display case on the way. Two reflections can be seen, which would be presumed to be himself and Marc. But even after Steven walks away, two reflections continue to stand still, which seem to be Spector and Lockley.
4.) Marc's Cracked Personality

Having just finished fighting a jackal, Marc and Steven conversed in the reflections of a pyramid. This close-up reflection can be seen to be split three ways via a crack in the mirror, symbolizing the three distinctly different personalities.
5.) The Pyramid Metaphor

The pyramid conversation has a far more powerful symbolic meaning than that, however. Beyond just representing the Egyptian themes in the show, each of the three sides represents one of the alters, and Marc pivots around them as the conversation escalates. By the end, Spector ends up kicking and destroying the mirror out of anger towards Steven, representing his rageful side, otherwise known as Jake Lockley.
6.) The Taxi Tease

When Marc first went to confront Harrow's men in Egypt, he ended up holding a knife to one goon's throat; meanwhile, Steven tried to talk him out of doing the deed. But Spector blacked out anyway and woke up in a taxi to the airport, and there was never any clarification of whether this was Steven or not. One could argue this to have been the friendly Englishman trying to flee from the situation and return home, but Marc waking up in a taxi could be a reference to Lockley's comic career as a taxi driver.
7.) Jake's Rageful Killing

During his confrontation with several of Harrow's men on an Egyptian rooftop, Marc was growing increasingly violent and Steven was trying to talk him down, but he ultimately blacked out, after almost being knocked out, only to return to have brutally killed the men. With Steven insisting this wasn't him, Jake was the obvious culprit. This appears to be the first time Marc had awoken to have done anything of this nature, as is clear by his utter shock and horror at his actions.
8.) The Rattling Sarcophagus

After Marc escaped himself from the clutches of the asylum workers in the final moments of Episode 4, he was able to free Steven from a rattling sarcophagus. Following their heartfelt reunion, the duo walked past a second sarcophagus, one that was violently shaking, clearly to symbolize the aggression and rage of Jake.
9.) Attacking Dr. Harrow

When Marc is being interviewed by therapist Dr. Arthur Harrow in the underworld asylum, there comes a point in which he loses his temper, develops a crazed expression on his face, and reaches for a sharp paperweight to wield as a weapon. The brutality of this attempted attack falls in line with Jake's brutal off-screen killings, Isaac even appears to use something of a New York accent in the moment of rage, which is famously where Jake is from, in the comics at least.
10.) Going AWOL

During Marc and Steven's trip down memory lane in the asylum, Spector tells his English alter about him going AWOL in a fugue state and getting discharged from the military, leading to his mercenary career. For those unaware, a fugue state is a term for what happens to Marc when he blacks out and turns into his other alters. As Steven didn't claim responsibility for this or seem to recall any occasions in which he awoke in the military, this can be assumed to be Jake Lockley who deserted his military post.
11.) Jake Saves the Day

Mere minutes before Jake Lockley was finally revealed in the finale's post-credits scene, Marc lost control of his body, to someone other than Steven, and took down Harrow and many of his men, as he was on the verge of death. Just as earlier episodes showed, these attacks were brutal and violent, to the point they even brought shock to Layla.
12.) The Three-Faced Oscar Isaac

Moon Knight has clearly been teasing the arrival of Jake Lockley from the beginning, but perhaps the most prominent can be found in the series' credits. As Oscar Isaac is credited for his role in the animated credits, three detached faces are coming off his body to symbolize the three identities: Marc, Steven, and Jake.
Jake Lockley's Hidden Easter Egg References

After all the hints, teases, and theories, Jake Lockley was finally revealed to viewers in Moon Knight's post-credits scene. Now that Marc and Steven are free of Khonshu, or so they think, Jake is continuing to serve as his avatar. His brief appearance saw him collect Arthur Harrow from a hospital - murdering staff on the way in - before killing him in a limo as he said "Today is your turn to lose" in Spanish.
Not much is known about Jake so far, and even Marc doesn't seem to be aware of his existence, so who knows how he came to be. Lockley is clearly the most loyal to Khonshu as he continues to work for him and is holding back nothing to further his goals, given the brutality of his killings and willingness to murder the civilian hospital staff.
Marvel Studios has yet to confirm the second season of Moon Knight, and it's hard to imagine Jake Lockley's story continuing anywhere outside a solo project. So who knows when the Fist of Vengenace will return to screens next, but for now, Moon Knight is streaming on Disney+.