After many years of troubled pre-production and an uncountable number of delays, the Ezra Miller-led The Flash is finally in production in the U.K. under It director Andy Muschietti. The Scarlett Speedster's first theatrical outing is set to adapt the iconic Flashpoint storyline as both Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck reprise their roles as Batman while Sasha Calle debuts as Supergirl.
With the film finally set to open the doors to DC's multiverse on the big screen, The Flash is slated to play a huge role in setting up the future of the cinematic universe. Despite all the heavy lifting to be done, the film will also serve as the most expansive exploration of Ezra Miller's Barry Allen yet, meaning it has quite a lot of work to do.
Through his past appearances in Zack Snyder-directed films, The Flash has primarily served as comedic relief to lighten a darker tone. However, the recently released Snyder Cut made headlines as it turned several speedster-centric scenes into visual spectacles.
Ever since the DC hero made his cameo debut in 2016's Batman v Superman, a key point of criticism has been his unique suit design that acts as a big departure from his legendary comic book look.
But, it seems that could be all about to change as a new look has been revealed at Miller's new costume.
As The Flash continues production in the U.K., director Andy Muschietti took to Instagram to reveal a new look at the new chest symbol that will be featured on Ezra Miller's speedster suit in the film.

The updated design shows some significant changes from Barry Allen's last canon appearance in 2017's Justice League, directed by Joss Whedon.

When Ezra Miller's Flash suit first debuted in the DCEU, it was heavily criticized by many fans for having a heavier armored design than would be expected from the Scarlet Speedster. Andy Muschietti certainly seems to be aiming to please Flash fans with his re-design of Miller's suit as he switches to a more traditional comic look for the character.
With a unique patterned design surrounding a comic accurate Flash symbol on a vibrant red, white, and gold, The Flash's new look could be the best speedster suit ever put to screen. Throughout Grant Gustin's CW tenure as Barry Allen, the show has certainly seen its ups and downs in terms of both writing quality and suits. While Gustin has donned some legendary looks in his seven-year tenure, the latest high-budget blockbuster could be set to top even the iconic season two suit.
While much of the DCEU has followed a much darker tone with The Flash serving as its comedic relief, the bright red and gold color scheme seems to signal a lighter atmosphere for the It director's take on the DC hero.
The Flash is set to hit theaters on November 4, 2022.