Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool made a smashing debut back in 2016, earning admiration from fans and critics alike. The success of the character elevated into greater heights, ultimately earning a sequel in the form of Deadpool 2. After two successful movies, fans were wondering if a third installment would ever see the light of day, especially after Disney acquired 20th Century Fox's assets.
Through the uncertainty surrounding Deadpool's inclusion in the MCU, Reynolds served as the franchise's champion, hyping up the character's debut under Marvel Studios by teasing that it would be a "win for everyone." On the flip side, Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld was pessimistic about the character's future in the House of Mouse, even admitting that the studio has zero plans for a threequel.
However, it appears that the latter's stance was debunked since it was previously reported that Deadpool 3 is indeed happening, and the Molyneux writers have been added to the mix. Now, Liefield took to social media to share his reaction to the game-changing news.
After news broke that Deadpool 3 is currently in development at Marvel Studios, Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld shared multiple reactions towards the franchise's future in a series of tweets.
The outspoken comic-book writer praised the involvement of franchise star Ryan Reynolds with the threequel, describing the actor as "the shaper of these films:"
In a separate tweet, Liefeld mentioned that he "share[s] an attorney" with the threequel's writers, the Molyneux sisters, admitting that it is "mutual destiny" while also hyping up Deadpool 3:
Liefeld also echoed Deadpool make-up designer Bill Corso's Instagram post on being excited about the third installment:
The X-Force writer also showed his excitement by pointing out that it was a "great day for everyone" after hearing the Deadpool 3 news:
It’s a great day for everyone!!! https://t.co/SimvmALhiP
Interestingly, Liefeld also replied to a fan about his previous claims that the threequel will not move forward under Marvel Studios:
After a series of controversial statements in the past, it seems that Liefeld turned over a new leaf regarding Deadpool 3. Based on his tweets, it's clear that the outspoken comic-book writer is excited about the imminent arrival of the threequel, and this should bode well for fans of the franchise.
From the get-go, Liefeld has been on-board with Ryan Reynolds' portrayal of Deadpool, and his remark about the actor serving as the "shaper" of the franchise's films goes to show his continued confidence for this version of the character. While there were some statements from Liefeld that made fans worry about the big screen fate of Deadpool in the past, the writer's passion for the character is still evident after all this time, and that's the important thing.
Considering his exciting remarks, it's also safe to say that Liefeld is now on the same page with Marvel Studios, and it's possible that he will help Reynolds and the rest of the creative crew during the threequel's development. Not much is known when production will start for Deadpool 3, but it's already a piece of good news that the film is in the early stages of development.
Now that Liefeld's controversial remarks are out of the way, fans can now focus on Deadpool's future in the MCU, and things are already looking bright for the Merc with a Mouth based on what's been revealed so far.