One of the longest lasting superhero series at CW, right behind the show that started it all, Arrow , The Flash has had its own ups and downs over the course of the series, but season six has been received rather well by fans.
However, unlike the rest of the seasons, season 6 technically didn't have a finale - ending prematurely. This was due to production being forced to stop due to the coronaviruses pandemic, so last season ended with the Blackhole storyline concluding before they face off against Mirror Mistress, Eva.
However, that only means that season 7 will start with a bang as Team Flash will face off against Eva. Additionally, there's the concern about Hartley Sawyer's sudden firing after a series of racist and misogynistic jokes resurfaced on Twitter. Hopefully, they'll address this is some shape or form, since this firing happened in June and it would have still been possible to include more information in the pre-recording for this panel.
In a panel headed hosted by Chancellor Agard from Entertainment Weekly and is joined by Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Nicolet, Brandon McKnight, and Kayla Compton, and show runner and executive producer Eric Wallace.
The panel starts with the cast discussing season 6, their character, experience, and what they loved about it, such as like Patton gushing about how her character of Iris got to flex her reporting traits and put on the forefront.
Panabaker loved how her literal alter-ego, Frost, was actually explored as a character and not just a powerup for fight scenes. She agreed with Patton's point that it was nice that part of her character not being so one note.
They also showed a excerpt from a black & white version of "Kiss Kiss Breach Breach" that will be on the Blur-Ray of season 6, while also showing a sizzle-reel of what is to come in season 7 . After this tease for what is to come in season 7, Eric Wallace mentioned that they were almost done with episode 20 before being shut down.
So, the opening of season 7 will partially contain that already filmed footage and the episode will be split in an "interesting way." Eric Wallace finished his time on the panel by saying that the reason they introduced newer villains from the comics like Godseed was because they wanted to appeal to newer fans reading the on-going Flash comic series.
It was a positive feeling as a fan who at one point fell out of love with CW's The Flash due to exactly the points that some of these actors brought up, which is what brought me back for last season. It was especially nice to see Caitlin Snow's Killer Frost persona gain more independence as a character, which helped changed her dynamic for the better.
What's encouraging is that these new dynamics will seemingly continue into season 7 with Killer Frost being her own person and even Iris getting more favorable portrayal as a character by actually using her journalism background that seemed to be forgotten about for several seasons.