Chicago Med: Does Mitch Ripley Die? Actor Luke Mitchell Reveals Character's Future

Chicago Med Season 10, Episode 15 mostly centers around Dr. Ripley's redemption following a tense encounter at Gaffney.

By Aeron Mer Eclarinal Posted:
Luke Mitchell as Dr. Ripley in Chicago Med Season 10

Chicago Med Season 10, Episode 15 delivers a shocking episode revolving around Dr. Mitch Ripley, where he puts his life on the line. 

Following his suspension from Gaffney Medical Center after his reckless actions, the new episode of the One Chicago medical drama series, "Down a Hole," focuses on Dr. Ripley's journey as he tries to save a mother and her daughter trapped inside a well. 

Does Luke Mitchell's Dr. Ripley Die on Chicago Med?

Luke Mitchell as Dr. Mitch Ripley in Chicago Med Season 10
Luke Mitchell

A good chunk of Chicago Med Season 10, Episode 15 sees Ripley's efforts to save a mother (Sadie) and her daughter (Emilia) after the daughter fell into a well. 

After assuring them of their safety, Ripley (portrayed by Chicago Med mainstay Luke Mitchell) teams up with Firehouse 128 and 51's Mouch from Chicago Fire, who is stepping in as a lieutenant for the day, to map out a plan to rescue Sadie and Emilia.

As Mouch spearheads the rescue efforts, he finds out that Sadie's leg is in bad shape after she snapped her femur in the fall. 

Ripley tells Firehouse 128's Chief that her leg needs to be amputated as soon as possible, and he volunteers to do it. After some convincing from Mouch, Ripley heads down to save them. 

After eventually saving Sadie and Emilia and getting them out of harm's way, the wall suddenly collapses and traps him. 

At Gaffney, Goodwin (who also has her fair share of Chicago Med exit scares earlier this season) informs the team about Ripley's situation, prompting Dr. Charles to swoop in and help his friend. 

Meanwhile, Ripley's ex-girlfriend, Dr. Asher, is in surgery, and Ripley is in trouble. Thankfully, Dr. Archer tells her about the incident, and she races to the scene to look for Ripley. 

Charles and Mouch take turns communicating with Ripley at the site, but he eventually loses consciousness due to lack of air. 

While unconscious, Ripley has a heart-to-heart with his dead best friend Sully, in which he tells him that it is not his time to die and that he needs to step up and save himself. 

Sully also gives him a tip to channel his anger into something positive, which is notable after his anger-infused incidents throughout Season 10.

In the end, Mouch manages to save Ripley, and he is eventually revived by CFD before Asher tells him that she loves him too. 

Is Mitch Ripley Leaving Chicago Med in Season 10?

The fact that he survived the horrible accident in the new episode suggests that Ripley's story is far from over in Chicago Med Season 10.

Dr. Charles' reassurance to him that everyone needs him and that it is too soon for him to die indicates that he might have a bright future at Gaffney even though he has an impending hearing about his medical license. 

In an interview with TV Insider, Chicago Med star Luke Mitchell teased that Season 10, Episode 15 will "change him fundamentally in a lot of ways," noting that "a new and improved Ripley" will be on the way: 

TV Insider: "So how is this experience going to change Ripley going forward?"

Luke Mitchell: "I think it’s going to change him fundamentally in a lot of ways. I think we are going to see a new and improved Ripley. I think we’re going to see a Ripley that takes ownership of his choices, and I think he’s going to have a bit of a pep in his step."

Ripley's future with Dr. Asher is also primed to take the spotlight, especially after she tells him she loves him after all this time. 

However, Mitchell told TV Insider that "they need to be on a break" because the timing for their relationship "hasn't been great:"

TV Insider: "How does he feel about his future with Asher? That relationship is so complicated."

Luke Mitchell: "Yeah, look, it is. I think ultimately they’re really good for each other, but I just think that their timing hasn’t been great, and therefore, yeah, I don’t know. I think where they’re at, they need to be at. I think they need to be on a break, whether it’s indefinite or just for a short period of time. Ripley needs to be by himself. I think he needs to figure himself out. But I got a lot of love for their relationship."

Meanwhile, the grim reality of his medical license being threatened still hangs in the balance, and Mitchell agrees. 

Speaking in a separate interview with Screen Rant, Mitchell said that Ripley needs to win back the trust of his peers, specifically his boss Sharon Goodwin (the Executive Director of Patient and Medical Services at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center): 

"What I will say about Ripley potentially losing his job—he's going to have to stay alive first to need to worry about the job. This next episode—he's going to have at least a near-death experience, and if he makes it out alive, he's got a lot of work to do. He's got to win back the trust of the people he works with, namely his boss. Goodwin's the one that was recommending him for termination."

The Chicago Med actor ended his answer by being hopeful that Ripley gets his job back at Gaffney: 

"I don't know that that's something that would happen immediately. But if Ripley makes it out alive, I certainly hope that he gets his job back, because if he doesn't, that means that my time on the show has come to an end."

While Ripley's past actions are reckless, his heroic act received widespread coverage from the media, which suggests that the board of medical directors may have noticed. 

As a result, his life-changing act in the new episode could be enough to bring him back to Gaffney and prevent him from joining the long list of Chicago Med stars who have already left the series

The next episode of Chicago Med will premiere on Wednesday, March 26 at 8 p.m. ET on NBC before streaming on Peacock the next day.

- In This Article: Chicago Med (S10)
Release Date
September 25, 2024
Cable TV
Nick Gehlfuss
Yaya DaCosta
- About The Author: Aeron Mer Eclarinal
Aeron is a news/features writer and Content Lead for The Direct who has been working for the site since March 2020. From writing about the inter-connectivity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to having an extended knowledge about DC TV's Arrowverse, Aeron's expertise has since expanded into the realm of reality TV, K-drama, animated, and live-action shows from Netflix,  Disney+, Prime Video, MGM+, Peacock, Paramount+, and Max. When he isn't writing and watching all things MCU, Aeron is heavily invested with the NBA (go Celtics!) and occasionally watches thrilling matches in the WWE.