Fans have been begging one actor to return to the MCU for years now, but they just shut all of those hopes down for good.
The end of the Infinity Saga didn't just end an overarching story that had been building in the MCU across nearly two dozen films. It also spelled the end for many of the franchise's top characters and actors.
For example, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, and Robert Downey Jr. (who will be returning as an entirely different character soon) all said goodbye when their characters either perished or rode off into the sunset. However, just because they died or were given satisfying endings, that doesn't mean fans don't want them back.
Scarlett Johansson Shuts Down Avengers Return

In an interview with InStyle, Black Widow actress Scarlett Johansson talked about potentially returning to the MCU with more than one Avengers movie coming within the next few years.
Johansson has seemingly heard fans' pleas for her to at least make one more appearance, saying "Natasha is dead" and claiming that fans "just don't want to believe it:"
"Natasha is dead. She is dead. She's dead. Okay? They just don't want to believe it. They’re like, 'But she could come back!'"
Many have expressed interest in seeing Johansson at least make a comeback in Avengers: Secret Wars or Avengers: Doomsday. With Robert Downey Jr. returning in the latter and Chris Evans reportedly being a part of it, it would almost make Avengers: Doomsday the perfect place for Johansson to make a return.
However, the actress seems to be satisfied with how Black Widow's character arc ended in Avengers: Endgame, saying that "she saved the world."
More than anything, Johansson made it clear that fans should also recognize Natasha's arc by adding that they should "let her have her hero moment:"
"Look, I think the balance of the entire universe is held in her hand. We’re going to have to let it go. She saved the world. Let her have her hero moment."
Will Scarlett Johansson Actually Return in Avengers 5 or 6?
Since Chris Evans is also reportedly returning for Avengers: Doomsday (find out who he is playing here, and, no, it isn't Captain America), it would almost seem strange for Johansson to not reprise her role or at least be featured as well.
After all, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, and Mark Ruffalo are all expected to be cast in the movie as well. So, considering Evans could be in the film too, that would mean that every actor to play one of the original Avengers would be returning to the franchise in Doomsday and potentially Secret Wars besides Johansson.
Most of the time when actors make comments about not being in movies or about not returning to franchises, they are lying so that they don't breach contracts or spoil movies.
However, these comments from Johansson could be entirely true. They technically don't mean that she won't show up in Avengers: Doomsday or Secret Wars. It is true that Natasha is dead, but, as the Multiverse has proven, a different version of her could show up.
Johansson could say goodbye to her character while still showing up in Avengers. If done right, it wouldn't diminish the impact she made in Endgame, and she would still get to be reunited with her old team one last time.
After making a one-off in one or both of the upcoming Avengers movies, Johansson could never touch Natasha again and leave her alone for good.
Avengers: Doomsday is set to release in theaters on May 1, 2026.