Zack Snyder's Justice League is well underway, with post-production currently being done to reshape the film into a brand new miniseries. It appears that it will not just be a simple recut of the original version though, with additional photography seeming to be going ahead.
Producers of the theatrical version of Justice League, namely Geoff Johns and Jon Berg, came under fire following allegations made by Ray Fisher of enabling abuse and misconduct. These claims have escalated in recent months, with support from other cast members and additional stories from outside sources.
The Hollywood Reporter recently revealed that Jared Leto would be reprising his role as the Joker for the Snyder Cut, joining other key cast members for reshoots.
Another tidbit from the same article provided some interesting details about Johns and Berg's current involvement with Zack Snyder's Justice League ...
According to The Hollywood Reporter , Geoff Johns and Jon Berg will reportedly have their producer credits removed from Zack Snyder's Justice League .
THR sources said that it was Johns' and Berg's decision to not receive producer credits on the Snyder Cut, as "they did not work on this version and are no longer studio executives." The decision was also reportedly made out of respect for Zack Snyder's vision for the film and the additional filming that is taking place.
A source told the outlet that this move is not connected to the allegations raised by Ray Fisher, with the two supposedly making this decision "months ago."
It is interesting to hear that this was seemingly an independent decision made by Johns and Berg themselves, and not a choice made by Warner Bros. or Zack Snyder. By rescinding these producer credits, it appears that Johns and Berg did not feel comfortable with receiving compensation for a project that they had no hand in.
While this may not absolve the executives of the alleged actions that occured during Justice League 's production, it certainly comes at a convenient time to reduce another potential wave of blowback for keeping producer credits.
It is also notable that, had Johns and Berg not decided to remove their credits, Warner Bros. may have been comfortable allowing them to remain on the film's credits. While this is not complete confirmation of the fact - the studio may have taken action in a different scenario - this circles back to Warner Bros.' peculiar attitude towards controversies involving its key figures.
Zack Snyder's Justice League will release in 2021 on HBO Max, without Geoff Johns and Jon Berg in the credits.