Ever since Disney purchased Fox, fans have wondered when they could expect Marvel Studios to utilize Deadpool. Over the last few months, it was confirmed a third movie was underway, and writing had begun. It wasn’t until a few days ago, however, that one name completely blew up the audience’s hype: Wolverine.
That’s right, not only will Ryan Reynolds be returning as the Merc with the Mouth, but Hugh Jackman is set to come back as his famous mutant once again. The last time audiences saw the character, he had just died in Logan—but that's clearly not stopping him here.
Reynolds will finally be able to reunite the two of them, something he’s been attempting to do for a long while since they first teamed up in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine. What makes it all the more incredible is that as of August 2021, Hugh Jackman was still firmly done with the character; oh how times can change.
Now, the actor has spoken out about shattering the internet with the big reveal and how much he appreciates the support from viewers around the world.
Reynolds Reflects on Breaking the Internet

In an interview with Forbes, Ryan Reynolds spoke about Hugh Jackman returning as Wolverine in Deadpool 3, and those announcement videos he released, which subsequently blew up the internet.
Reynolds revealed that he actually has been "sitting on those couple of teasers for a few weeks now:"
“I couldn’t be more excited... I mean, especially to do it this way. Ultimately, I get to work with some of my closest friends in the world and that doesn’t happen every day working in this business. I’m thrilled and I’ve been sitting on those couple of teasers for a few weeks now. It’s one of those moments where you’re hitting send or a tweet or a post - your hand is shaking when you’re messing with the zeitgeist in a way like that. It’s been amazing.
The actor continued, noting that he "feel[s] the same way that fans do," and is excited to see the character come back alongside the Merc with a Mouth:
"I feel the same way that the fans do, though. I feel as excited that this character is coming back for another ride, particularly in this context. I think it’s something that people have wanted for a long time, to get this pairing up on the big screen, and that’s what we aim to do.”
He admitted that the first Deadpool movie wouldn't exist in the first place "if it wasn't for the outpouring of demand from audiences:"
“I think audiences really genuinely appreciate having some authorship over stories that are being told and why stories are being told. I for one can say that Deadpool 1 never would’ve been made if it wasn’t for the outpouring of demand from audiences across all social media platforms and that’s quite legitimately what got the movie greenlighted."
Reynolds continued to elaborate, saying that "the real boss is the folks at home:"
"There’s authorship there - they feel some authorship and ownership over that triumph, so I think that’s always important to never forget who the real boss is. The real boss is the folks at home and the folks going to the cinema to pay their way in and that also really is quite applicable to so many other aspects of the business that we have at Maximum Effort and certainly at fubo[TV].”
Just Wait Until the Footage Lands
The actor doesn't seem like he's forgotten how fans helped launch the original leaked Deadpool footage to the stratosphere—which led to the actual film getting the green light. It's awesome to see Reynolds continue to keep that at heart, staying well aware of the power fans can have over the franchise.
As for the recent big announcement, fans aren’t the only ones who took notice of it.
There was, of course, the film’s director, who shared his immense excitement to be working alongside the two actors. He even thanked those over at Stranger Things for helping to train him to keep his mouth shut when holding onto secrets.
Then there was John Krasinski, who took the chance to point toward their new film currently in production.
Not long after Scarlet Witch’s Elizabeth Olsen found out, she was already putting wishes out into the world that maybe she’ll get to act alongside Michael Fassbender’s Magneto at some point.
While the Wolverine announcement may have broken the internet, just imagine what seeing him in actual footage will do. Maybe fans will even get him in his iconic armor.
Deadpool 3 hits theaters on September 6, 2024.