Warning: This article contains potential spoilers for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier .
Fans have been treated to multiple pieces of behind-the-scenes footage and photos from the filming of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier over the past several months. Much of it has been quite revealing, such as seemingly showing The Grapplers as villains and even the potential formation of The Thunderbolts.
Special mention should go to Wyatt Russell as John Walker ; the new government-sanctioned Captain America. In full Captain America attire, Walker was seen fighting alongside Bucky Barnes at New York's G20 Summit , with additional scenes showing him fighting in a far more violent manner than fans had seen from the original Captain America.
New footage has emerged from the shooting in Prague that shows even more of Walker’s unrestraint brutality.
Fandíme Filmu in Prague has acquired footage from on-set filming of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, showing John Walker fighting someone and assaulting them with the Captain America shield. Walker could be seen hitting this person numerous times while they're already down, with extras witnessing the act of violence.
Fandíme Filmu describes the person getting assaulted as "some sort of enemy" of John Walker. The scene also involves the throwing of a trash bin (not shown in the video).
Actor Noah Mills, cast last year in an undisclosed role, shared a photo on his Instagram story showing a standup dummy for himself in this exact location, implying that his character is the susceptible victim to John Walker's violent outburst.

The most exciting part about this scene is the clear presence of extras being witness to Walker's excessive act of violence against what seems to be a low-level grunt. Some crew members are scattered about, but it seems clear that most of them are extras based on how they're dressed and reacting to the scene.
One of these extras even seems to be holding up a cellphone as they approach the scene, likely trying to record what's happening. This scene could act as a turning point for the public perception of John Walker as Captain America in the series - being hit four times by Captain America's vibranium-made shield could easily kill a man. Killing isn't out of the ordinary for Steve Rogers; he killed as a soldier, but what Walker appears to do in this scene seems beyond excessive.
Walker's last assault with his shield, going by how Russell or the stunt person pulls it back, almost seems to have embedded it into the victim. Whenever Sam and Bucky have to take down Walker, they're going to face a far more violent and potentially unhinged Captain America-knock off.