An emotional moment between Hughie and Annie in The Boys' Season 4 finale has viewers questioning what the word "pashmina" means in and out of the context of the show.
Season 4, Episode 8 was jam-packed with intense and epic action, including Billy Butcher's brutal murder of Victoria Neuman and the tease of Vought's Ashley Barrett taking Compound V and getting superpowers.
Beneath that was the evolving love story between Hughie Campbell and Annie January/Starlight. The two came to a huge confrontation in the episode thanks to the villainous Supe shapeshifter who took Annie's looks in Episode 7.
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What Does Pashmina Mean in The Boys Season 4 Finale?
In Season 4, Episode 8 of The Boys, Jack Quaid's Hughie Campbell gets into a heated argument with his girlfriend, Erin Moriarty's Annie January/Starlight. They fight about Hughie not realizing Annie has been replaced by a shapeshifter, especially when he shares how many times they slept together.

As Annie lambastes Hughie, he starts listing the things that tipped him off to the face that she had been replaced. This included the "designer dress" the shifter wore at home around him and the fact that she "found [her] car keys on the first try:"
"You want to know how I knew it wasn’t you? In the apartment she wore some designer dress, and you always ditch your bra for sweats as soon as you get home. She found your car keys on the first try, and you have never, ever found your car keys in under 15 minutes."

However, his biggest red flag was that the shifter was sweating whereas Annie has "always been and always will be 90% pashmina:"
"But the final clue: in the bunker, she was sweating, and you have always been and always will be 90% pashmina. I love that about you. All your weird, amazing fucked-up-ness, that’s what makes you you."
For those in the dark, pashmina is a type of wool that is often compared to cashmere, and it is used in scarves and shawls. The material can be used in clothing ranging from casual to fancy, and more often than not, it is used for warmth.
What Hughie said implies that Annie runs cold most of the time and often needs a pashmina or a similar clothing article to warm herself up. Since the shapeshifter was sweating, Hughie put together that the Supe ran much hotter, making it clear that this was not his girlfriend.
Where Will Annie and Hughie Go In The Boys Season 5?
After Hughie's unintentional betrayal, Annie begrudgingly comes to terms with what he did with the duplicate version of her, although that will be the least of their worries moving forward.
The biggest of those issues is the new reign of terror enacted by Antony Starr's Homelander after having the new President of the United States declare Martial Law and send out hundreds of Supes on patrol all over the country.
The end of the episode sees Hughie and Annie fleeing, but they are quickly rounded up by Ess Hödlmoser's Cindy, a telekinetic Supe who has not been seen since Season 2.
Hughie is taken into custody, but Annie manages to use her superpowers to blast away and fly into the sky, setting off to an unknown destination as Homelander hunts her down.
This comes after Vought captures the rest of The Boys outside of Butcher, who goes into Season 5 with a scary new superpower.
With only one more season left of The Boys, both Annie and Hughie will be in danger assuming Homelander uses every bit of his extraordinary power in pursuit of taking down their team.
And with the full force of the United States government behind him, all hell is about to break loose in a way that even The Boys' first four seasons never did.
Seasons 1-4 of The Boys are now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
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