Star Wars excitement peaked recently with the announcement that a new animated series would be filling in the gap left by the ending of The Clone Wars earlier this year. The Bad Batch will follow the unique team of clone troopers as they take on mercenary missions following the events of Revenge of the Sith.
Fans of The Clone Wars will remember the team from the multiple episode arc they featured in during season 7, which introduced each member and their unique specific skills. Not much is known about The Bad Batch plot at the moment, but it is said to explore an area of Star Wars history that is not often visited and fans are hoping for appearances from other canon characters such as Darth Maul, Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex.
Brent Friedman, writer of the original Bad Batch arc in The Clone Wars, teased in a Twitter response that Captain Rex may be making an appearance in the new The Bad Batch series. A fan asked whether The Bad Batch might explore a conversation between Rex and Echo from The Clone Wars that was never explained, to which Friedman responded:
Aside from executive producers and Dave Filoni, no writing team has been announced for The Bad Batch. Whether Friedman will be signed onto the new show is not yet confirmed, but it seems that he could be in the know about certain things, and as the writer of the original Bad Batch arc it seems likely that he'll have a part in the new series.
As Captain of the Bad Batch, it makes sense for Rex's storyline to be tied in with those of Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, Wrecker and Echo. However, the group was separated following the ending of The Clone Wars so how the new series deals with Rex's integration in the story is still uncertain. But there are plenty of gaps in Captain Rex's timeline that can be filled and The Bad Batch may be the show to do that.
The discussion around Fives is a pivotal moment in the story, as Fives was the trooper who discovered the existence of inhibitor chips, which when removed allowed Clone Troopers to resist Order 66. Subsequently, Fives was also killed for having this information, leaving behind quite a legacy. The relationships between the different clone troopers is likely going to be at the heart of The Bad Batch, so including characters such as Captain Rex and possibly Fives seems probable.