Sony Pictures' handling of its Spider-Man properties has caused many to scratch their heads. Morbius was a disaster that became an internet joke—one which Sony clearly wasn't in on, as it tried to capitalize on the movie's social media meme following by re-releasing the movie into theaters. It went on to bomb a second time.
However, even with the complete crash landing of Jared Leto's vampiric main character, the studio is still marching forward with its Spider-Man universe films. Next up will be Kraven the Hunter, a solo project focused on one of the best villains Spidey has gone up against over the years.
Despite the hesitancy some fans might have toward the project, it seems that the actors behind the movie seem to be feeling the direction Sony Pictures is going with everything. Ariana Debose, who will be playing Calypso in the series, previously commented on how she feels "part of something that feels like it's taking a step in a right direction."
Now, the film's main star, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, has spoken out about his time filming the movie and revealed a change to the iconic character.
Sony's Kraven Movie Departure From the Comics

In an interview with Variety, Kraven the Hunter star Aaron Taylor-Johnson commented on his time as the character and how the film recently finished production.
Johnson described his titular villain as “one of Marvel’s most iconic, notorious anti-heroes — Spider Man’s number one rival” and noted how he found it thrilling that the character is "not an alien, or a wizard. He's just a hunter, a human with conviction."
However, Johnson then confirmed how he's "an animal lover and protector of the natural world." For some, that might be a potentially annoying departure, as that description goes directly against the core nature of Kraven as a character in the comics. Being an animal lover does not go well with someone who is known for literally hunting down the biggest game. He even wears a lion pelt as a vest. Despite the change, however, the actor still thinks "he's a very, very cool character."
Johnson finished by revealing that the movie was "shot entirely on location."
An Unnecessary Change to Kraven's Character
It's unknown as of now why Sony would make such a drastic change to the character, one which basically changes Kraven on a fundamental level. That said, there is a possibility the quote is missing context and being interpreted incorrectly.
Maybe that love for animals is more intense respect, which would still allow Kraven to live up to his hunting name. He'd also potentially be held to his own form of an honor system when engaging in his big game hunts.
Yet, one of those hunts in the upcoming film won't be Spider-Man. Instead, there are a couple of options about who it might be. The first would be Christopher Abbot's Foreigner, who is supposedly the main antagonist of the piece. But then, there's also The Chamelon, who will be played by Fred Hechinger.
Hopefully, whatever the movie ends up being by the end of the day, it is a story that lives up to and remains true to Kraven's character and legacy.
Kraven the Hunter releases in theaters on January 13, 2023.