In Episode 3 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Tatiana Maslany's Jennifer Walters kept with the show - and She-Hulk comic book - tradition of breaking the fourth wall; but this time, she did so to address the audience's expectation of cameos.
Warning - The rest of this article contains spoilers for Episode 3 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.
Upon learning of Wong's identity, Walters turned to the camera and said, "I know you can't wait to see Wong" but also "I wanna make sure that you don't think this is one of those cameos every week type of shows. It's not."
However, she immediately followed that statement by acknowledging that, so far, there has been a cameo every week due to Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner, Tim Roth's Abomination, and now Benedict Wong's Wong.
Interestingly enough, the show's writers and producers are having the same conversation in this reality, especially since one of She-Hulk's most anticipated cameos is yet to come: Charlie Cox's Daredevil.
She-Hulk Producers Reveal The Show's Biggest Surprise

Speaking to TVLine, Kat Coiro, the director for She-Hulk's first four episodes and its final two, revealed that the show's "biggest surprise" has already been revealed ahead of the show: that being the Man Without Fear himself, Daredevil:
“Daredevil remains the biggest surprise that we had, which we let out of the bag at Comic-Con. I am telling you, the relief I felt seeing him pop up on that screen in front of all the fans was so huge because for almost a year I’ve been carrying this secret, and I was finally able to breathe.”
Even though Daredevil was revealed ahead of the show's debut, that doesn't mean there aren't any other surprises in store.
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law's Jessica Gao was also questioned about the potential for another huge cameo to top Daredevil elsewhere in the series, leading to the executive producer wanting to temper expectations by claiming that there aren't any other MCU-related crossovers left and "the remaining cameos are cameos from the comics:"
"No, I don’t want to set people up for disappointment. But I will say that the remaining cameos are cameos from the comics, characters that haven’t been seen before in the MCU.”
This isn't the first time Gao has warned audiences to lower their expectations.
Trailers for She-Hulk have already teased these upcoming comic book cameos, including the likes of Frog-Man and El Aguila.
Why Did Marvel Spoil She-Hulk's Biggest Surprise?
Are Kat Coiro and Jessica Gao telling the truth about She-Hulk's cameos?
Given that they both attested to Daredevil being She-Hulk's biggest pop, it would seem so.
However, they were also behind Jennifer Walters' line from Episode 3, warning the audience about cameo expectations while also admitting that the series is full of cameos.
Also, it's hard to accept the fact that Marvel Studios revealed the Disney+ series' biggest shocker before Episode 1 even premiered.
Unless the studio was truly concerned about the show's perception and its viewing numbers, what purpose would this serve? This is not to mention the fact that it's an uncharacteristic move for Marvel in general.
Whether She-Hulk's Gao and Coiro are telling the truth or just want fans to remember, as Walters put it, "whose show this actually is" remains to be seen.
But in the meantime, fans can rest assured that Daredevil is on the way; and even if he is the final big cameo, that doesn't mean audiences won't see more of Bruce Banner, Abomination, or Wong in future episodes.
New episodes of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law premiere on Thursdays on Disney+.