What do details about the second installment in the Wonder Woman franchise and Diana Prince's jet have in common? They are both invisible to the public.
Not much is known about Wonder Woman 1984 aside from the time period it takes place, the return of Chris Pine's Steve Trevor, and the casting of Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig as Maxwell Lord and Cheetah, respectively. Considering his comic lore, Lord's involvement will likely revolve around the "wealthy businessman gone rogue" trope, but Cheetah's role is a bit more unpredictable.
So far, fans have only seen flashes of Kristen Wiig's Barbara Ann Minerva before her beastly transformation; however, new images seem to hint at the complete look of the Cheetah.
An upcoming sticker pack for Wonder Woman 1984 has surfaced online. Coming from @DCFilmUpdates on Twitter , the sticker pack showcases a collage of 1980s style television sets, each imbued with images of Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, and more characters from the Amazon's universe. Upon a closer look, one of the TV sets reveals a new look at Kristen Wiig's Cheetah after she has fully transformed.
Cheetah's new look coming in a sticker pack likely means Patty Jenkins and company want to save the motion picture reveal of the antagonist for the actual film.
Merchandise has been the bane of many blockbusters' secrets . From Funko Pops to Lego sets, leaked merchandise images have spoiled more than producers would likely want known. While Cheetah's reveal is not necessarily a spoiler, as fans have known about her involvement in the sequel for years, the absence of her fully-transformed self in trailers and TV spots suggests that this is something the filmmakers want saved for the actual movie.
WW84 has suffered much from COVID-19, having to move its release date numerous times as a result of pandemic precautions. Luckily, Warner Bros has only shown teaser trailers for the sequel, meaning concrete plot details can be saved for a final trailer once it gets closer to its current (and hopefully final) release date.
Wonder Woman 1984 is set to hit theatres on its new release date of October 2, 2020.
MCU Writer, Editor, Podcaster