One of the producers on My Adventures With Superman explained exactly why the show’s take on Lois Lane has an unusually short hairdo.
Lois Lane came into My Adventures With Superman already established as a Daily Planet intern, being portrayed as just slightly older than her two co-stars Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen.
She was also reimagined in this series with some major changes to her background, being shown as a woman of East Asian descent for the first time as she learns about the dangers in Superman’s world.
My Adventures With Superman’s New Hair for Lois Lane

Speaking with The Comics Cube (TCC) on YouTube, My Adventures With Superman producer Josie Campbell explained the reasoning behind Lois Lane’s new short hair.
Campbell noted Superman comic writer John Byrne's version of Lois as an inspiration while commenting on the influence of Gen Z (anyone born between 1996 and 2010) on Lois’ haircut. In those comics, Lois was known to be “lifting up the weights herself” in a way, standing on her own two feet more often than in past runs from DC Comics:
TCC: “Another thing about Superman and the designs that you made, one of the things that struck me, of course was number one, you gave Lois short hair, which I feel like is a tribute to the John Byrne era maybe.”
Campbell: “Oh yeah. Yeah, it’s John Byrne and then also like a little Gen Z, because there’s a lot of Gen Z-ers who have the kind of… the short hairs coming back. And then also, we kind of based it a little bit off of somebody we knew, who has that energy. But yeah, that John Byrne era, where she’s got the short hair, and she’s lifting up the weights herself, it’s a big influence for us.”

Campbell also recently explained the reasoning behind changing Lois’ race, making it clear that she and the team wanted “to make [their] show look like reality” by highlighting as many diverse backgrounds as possible:
"At the end of the day, it’s also a very classic interpretation of Superman. Who Jimmy is, is the funny guy. who’s Superman’s pal, who gets kidnapped by gorillas, and is the photographer. That’s Jimmy Olsen. ... But yeah, who they are as people is exactly the same. It’s this classic version. The only thing we’ve done is try to make our show look like reality, look like the world around us, and look like the world around the audience who’s watching.”
Where Will Lois Lane Go in Season 2?
Although Lois Lane’s short hair was only one of a few changes to her character in My Adventures With Superman, it took nothing away from her important role in the story alongside Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen.
Now, after seeing Superman go through the first of his many heart-wrenching battles, part of which was against Lois’ own father, fans are curious to see where she’ll go in future seasons.
Now that she and Clark are officially a couple, viewers will see the romance between them evolve even further as they work and live together, which all came after she put in the work to find out about his life as a superhero.
And with plenty of new dangers coming thanks to the pair of villains that were set up in Season 1’s finale, Lois will have to be even more vigilant in protecting herself and her friends from everything in front of them.
My Adventures With Superman Season 1 is now streaming on Max.