As Marvel continues to adapt to the challenging circumstances brought on by the current pandemic situation, production dates of many of their upcoming projects have had to be delayed. Marvel recently revealed an updated film slate for their next phase of movies, and they have also halted production on most of their Disney+ shows already in development. The projects that have yet to receive many updates are the Disney+ shows that were still in the earlier stages of development: Ms. Marvel , She Hulk , and Moon Knight . However, a recent posting has now confirmed an updated set of production details for Moon Knight .
Marvel's upcoming Moon Knight series now has a confirmed production start date, after Comicbook.com revealed a listing from Production Weekly that states Moon Knight is set to begin filming around November 16, under the working title "Good Faith". The production period is set to last over 26 weeks.
November seems to be the time when Marvel expects to be kicking back into full gear. Their recent updated film slate pushed Black Widow 's release to November 6, 2020. Though no official word has been given as to the dates Marvel expects to start production back up on their films and television shows that had to delay their schedules, this piece of news gives an indicator as to when everything may continue for the film studio. Of course, depending on how the pandemic shapes out, a November start date is not completely set in stone, but at least Marvel is planning for the best.
The Moon Knight series is being developed by showrunner Jeremy Slater , whose previous credits include work on Netflix's The Umbrella Academy . The show will follow mercenary Marc Spector, who deals with multiple personalities, including an Egyptian deity who is either guiding Spector through his vigilante adventures or is just another one of his imagined personalities. Moon Knight is definitely a very unique Marvel protagonist, and the unorthodox nature of the character makes Disney+ a perfect home to tell his story. Slater's previous work on Netflix proves how well he can handle extremely flawed superheroes, and fans of the character are greatly anticipating the live-action adaptation. More details about the cloaked avenger's series can be expected to arrive as production moves forward.
MCU Writer