Marvel Rivals Clone Rumble Event Bans 6 Characters (For A Good Reason)

Marvel Rivals players are out of luck if they mainly play these characters.

By David Thompson Posted:
Loki from Marvel Rivals with a red mark through it

This is why Marvel Rivals banned these characters from the Clone Rumble event.

Marvel Rivals is a competitive hero shooter developed by NetEase Games, which blends Overwatch-style gameplay with a Marvel-themed roster. Characters included range from members of major superhero teams like the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men, with new additions regularly expanding the lineup. 

6 Banned Characters in the Clone Rumble Event

The latest update to Marvel Rivals introduces Clone Rumble. Both teams select the same hero in this unique event game mode, leading to intense battles between identical super-powered characters. However, the event has sparked controversy by banning several heroes from selection.

Dr. Strange

Dr. Strange in Marvel Rivals
Marvel Rivals

Doctor Strange's ban from Clone Rumble is likely due to the extreme technical strain his abilities would place on the game. His portals already push the game's engine to its limits in regular matches, creating additional characters when used. 

With 12 Doctor Stranges on the battlefield simultaneously casting portals, the game could quickly become overwhelmed, potentially leading to severe lag or outright crashes. 

Given how demanding even a single Doctor Strange can be, allowing an entire team was not feasible.


Loki in Marvel Rivals
Marvel Rivals

Loki’s ultimate ability allows him to shapeshift into another hero, and it’s easy to see why this would cause problems in Clone Rumble. 

If a Loki transformed into another Loki, it could create an infinite loop of transformations that the game wasn’t designed to handle. 

The potential for bugs, game-breaking interactions, and general chaos was likely too high to justify his inclusion. Instead of reworking his ability for this mode, the developers likely opted for the more straightforward solution of banning him outright.

Cloak and Dagger

Cloak and Dagger in Marvel Rivals
Marvel Rivals

Cloak and Dagger’s ban was probably due to the unique synergy between offense and healing, which could make games drag on indefinitely. 

Their ability to heal their team while simultaneously dealing damage means that fights could become endless stalemates in a mode where both teams are identical. 

If both teams were made up entirely of Cloak and Dagger, the match could become a prolonged battle of attrition, with no clear winner emerging for an unreasonable amount of time. 

Luna Snow

Luna Snow in Marvel Rivals
Marvel Rivals

Luna Snow's healing abilities likely made her an easy pick for exclusion in Clone Rumble. As a character who can seamlessly switch between damage and healing, an entire team of Luna Snows would be nearly impossible to take down. 

With both teams constantly regenerating health faster than they could deal damage, matches could stretch on indefinitely. She was likely removed from the mode to prevent players from sitting through marathon-length battles with no resolution.

Invisible Woman

Invisible Woman in Marvel Rivals
Marvel Rivals

Invisible Woman's ability to shield and sustain her team made her another prime candidate for exclusion.

With multiple Invisible Women in a match, players could remain protected behind layers of shields for excessive periods, leading to frustratingly long standoffs.

The developers likely foresaw situations where both teams would spend hours waiting for an opening, resulting in a tedious and drawn-out experience.

Adam Warlock

Adam Warlock in Marvel Rivals
Marvel Rivals

In Clone Rumble, Adam Warlock's resurrection abilities would have created significant balance and pacing issues. His capacity to revive himself and others means that a team full of Adam Warlocks could theoretically sustain itself indefinitely, preventing the match from reaching a natural conclusion.

If both teams had constant access to resurrections, battles could become an endless cycle of players reviving and rejoining the fight, making victory almost impossible. The developers likely decided to ban him from the event to avoid this nightmare scenario.

Marvel Rivals' in-game event, Galacta's Cosmic Adventure, includes a Cerebro-themed teaser suggesting that a new X-Men character could join the roster soon.

Marvel Rivals is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

- About The Author: David Thompson
As an editor, writer, and podcast host, David is a key member of The Direct. He is an expert at covering topics like Marvel, DC, Star Wars, and business-related news following the box office and streaming.