The season finale of Loki blew the minds of fans across the world. Marvel Studios went ahead with its third Disney+outing, putting one of the most important elements of the MCU since Avengers: Endgame. From the creation of the multiverse to the introduction of the next big bad, big moves were made.
Of course, that big bad was none other than Jonathan Majors' Kang the Conqueror. Although, the Variant that fans saw in the finale was a far different Kang than fans usually associate with. This Kang had it all under control—he was the hero and the timeline protector.
In his story to Loki and Sylvie, he reveals that he was once a scientist in the 31st century, a detail that is a key element in Kang the Conqueror's backstory. That would, however mean that theoretically, He Who Remains in the MCU is very likely to be the very same Nathaniel Richards from the comics—someone who is very much tied to the Fantastic Four.
But what does Loki director Kate Herron have to say about this?

In an interview with Deadline, Loki director Kate Herron sat down to discuss the many new reveals that the finale had in store for fans of the show.
When asked if He Who Remains is the same 31st-century scientist that happens to be Nathaniel Richards, a character connected to the Fantastic Four, Herron bluntly responded that she "cannot answer."
That I cannot answer. I don’t know their plans. It’s a question for Mr. Feige.
Deadline went on to ask if there was ever anyone else considered to be the person behind it all and for Loki and Sylvie to meet at the end of time. According to Herron, He Who Remains "was always [their] North Star [that they] were going for..."
"I remember when I started, there was discussion, but honestly, the writers, Kevin Wright our executive producer said He Who Remains was the person they met at the end of time. That was always our North Star we were going for, really for us, the bigger question was would we be allowed to do this. It’s such a big character to be launching. It really informed everything across the TVA, whether they were good or bad. The cut we have of the show is the best cut."

It is quite strange that Marvel has stayed away from even mentioning the name Kang in the story, strictly keeping to He Who Remains. It's not a secret that Jonathan Majors is playing Kang, and he is who audiences see here.
The purpose in keeping the naming precise is to differentiate this version of Kang from the others fans might see, such as Immortus or the Warlord Kang. But there is something all of these still have in common: Nathaniel Richards.
It makes sense that Marvel wouldn't want to mention that name just yet, seeing as the world is still at least couple of years away from seeing The Fantastic Four introduced to the MCU. But the move of not naming him is likely intentional, serving as a reveal they want to hold off officially commenting on until Marvel's First Family has made their debut.