New LEGO Harry Potter Game Rumors Escalate Amidst Studio Shakeup

A new all-in-one Lego Harry Potter game may be on the way if recent rumors are to be believed.

By Lauren Rouse Posted:
LEGO Harry Potter

The future of LEGO games is uncertain with no new titles announced and a potential studio shakeup on the horizon—but a rumor suggests Harry Potter's Wizarding World may be a part of it.

LEGO built an empire by turning popular franchises into physical builds. The company has also found success in the gaming space by recreating iconic films and TV series into puzzle-focused LEGO worlds.

Rumors Point To Harry Potter Being the Next Lego Game

Lego Harry Potter Games Harry Hermione and Ron

Rumors of a potential new LEGO Harry Potter game have persisted despite changes looming in the corporate background.

In the past, LEGO has turned to external game development companies for these gaming projects, like the most recent (and very successful) release, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga from TT Games.

TT Games has been one of the most prominent external studios to produce LEGO video games to date, but the studio's next project remains unannounced. 

At the time of writing, TT Games has various job openings advertising work on "a major IP-based LEGO game." Given that TT Games is a subsidiary of Warner Bros., this likely limits the company to a handful of franchises from the company.

This supports a prevailing rumor that a new Harry Potter LEGO game is in the works. VGC reported rumors recently that a new LEGO Harry Potter game is in development, which would cover the entire franchise in a similar style to that of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. 

Harry Potter remains one of the most popular franchises for Warner Bros. and LEGO alike, with new LEGO sets still releasing into 2025

Warner Bros. also found success in 2023's Hogwarts Legacy action RPG game, so it seems likely the company may want to build on this success in the video game space with a new LEGO game.

TT has covered all of the Harry Potter movies in the previous game installments, Lego Harry Potter: Years 1–4 and Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7, but never have all the stories been packaged together in one game, which leads to this speculation of an all-in-one refresh.

Fans online have even wondered whether a new Harry Potter LEGO game might also include stories from the Fantastic Beasts films, adding to the extra content that would differentiate the new LEGO game from previous Harry Potter ones.

Is a Studio Restructure on the Way for Lego Games?

These rumors emerged amid a time of uncertainty regarding LEGO games following recent comments from CEO Niels Christiansen.

Christiansen revealed that the company was planning to produce more of its games in-house rather than outsource them to external developers. He told the Financial Times that game development is "something we're building up:"

"We can say, as long as we’re under the LEGO brand, we can cover experiences for kids of all ages, digital or physical. [Games development in-house] is something we’re building up."

This raised questions of whether TT Games will continue producing LEGO games. Although, as mentioned, the company is still seemingly hiring for a LEGO project. 

Additionally, industry insider Jason Schreier revealed last month to Kinda Funny Games that TT Games was one of the few studios "that has a LEGO game coming in the near future," before adding, "There is a new LEGO game coming imminently." 

Given Christiansen's comments, it may be that TT Games is one of the few studios that LEGO continues to work with while it builds up its own game development capabilities. Alternatively, it could be that TT Games will release one more LEGO game and that may be its last. 

- About The Author: Lauren Rouse
Lauren Rouse has been a writer at The Direct since the site launched in 2020. She has a huge passion for everything pop culture and currently writes news articles for the Marvel, Star Wars, DC and video game branches.