It's no secret that Zack Snyder's new and improved version of his 2017 Justice League movie — which is set to release next month — will be a totally different movie to what came before. Due to Snyder's replacement with Joss Whedon on the original film, following a string of studio interference, Justice League ended up a totally different movie to what the director originally intended.
When Snyder was planning out his vision for the DCEU several years back, he had intended for Justice League to take the form of a two-part movie with plans to introduce the Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern. However, following the death of his daughter, that plan was cut short, and Justice League turned into a one-off financial and critical disaster that changed the angle of the universe altogether.
Those who have closely followed the build-up to the long-awaited release of Zack Snyder's Justice League will be aware the director has been teasing a whole list of new inclusions in the film. Some of these changes include Jared Leto's Joker, Darkseid, and some more of Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor, just to name a few.
However, a newly revealed suite of merchandise for the film may have hinted towards the involvement of one more surprise character.
A post on Snyder's Vero page provided a link to a merchandise listing on Ink to the People for a selection of new Justice League merchandise available now. All funds raised from the sales will go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. This is a cause clearly near and dear to Snyder's heart after his daughter tragically committed suicide in March 2017 which lead to his original departure from the project.
One item available on the site is a sticker pack showcasing logos from various heroes involved in the film. While most of the set is to be expected, the set includes a sticker for the Green Lantern symbol, a character/group which is yet to appear in the DCEU in any capacity.

This shouldn't be taken as any kind of confirmation Green Lantern will play a role in the movie. While there were rumors around the time of initial release of a Green Lantern cameo or tease being featured in the film, this obviously never came to fruition and there was little evidence to suggest it was planned.
However, the question remains, why is the Green Lantern symbol on this official merchandise which is being promoted by Snyder himself. Given it was a part of the director's vision for the future of the universe prior to the 2017 release, and a Green Lantern Corps movie was in development at the time, DC and Snyder may have been looking to tease what's to come.
DC never revealed which Green Lantern was intended to don the ring in the Green Lantern Corps movie which was originally planned to release in 2020. Had the movie seen the light of day as was planned, the film would naturally have been yet another victim of the 2020 delay curse caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fans definitely shouldn't expect any surprise cameo from Jon Stewart or Hal Jordan in Green Lantern attire, however, it's possible the film may reveal the existence of the corps itself before either hero has taken up the mantle.
Green Lantern fans will see the character in live-action once again soon through the upcoming series currently in development at HBO Max with no release date announced yet — it's unclear if this is connected to the DCEU.