Who Is Invincible Season 3’s Kid Omni-Man? Story, Powers & More Explained

Kid Omni-Man is getting a spotlight in Season 3, and he willl be an important player in the story.

By Russ Milheim Posted:
Invincible, Kid Omni-Man

Invincible Season 3 introduces a brand new Grayson family member to the world: Kid Omni-Man, otherwise known as Oliver Grayson.

Technically, the character was first seen as a baby in Season 2, the son of Nolan Grayson and the Thraxan Andressa. But when the other Viltrumites took away Nolan, Oliver went under the care of Mark and Deborah Grayson on Earth—just barely surviving the Langstrom Levy threat.

Oliver, now a tad older, was shown off for the first time in the Season 3 trailer as he gets a new Omni-Man-inspired costume and fights crime alongside his brother Mark.

Who Is Kid Omni-Man in Invincible

Kid Omni-Man in Invincible Season 3
Amazon Studios

Oliver Grayson/Kid Omni-Man's origins in the comics begin exactly like they did in the show, being born to Nolan Grayson and Andresa on Thraxa.

Unsurprisingly, since he is the son of a Viltrumite, Oliver gained all of the traits and powers that Nolan Grayson (who will be in more of Season 3 than 2) had. This includes super strength, super speed, enhanced learning, a healing factor, slight, and so much more.

One of Oliver's more unique traits is his purple skin, which is a result of an incompatibility between Thraxans and Viltrumites. This incompatibility also keeps Oliver's max power levels from ever reaching the heights of his brother, Mark.

Kid Omni-Man Vs Mauler Twins In Season 3 of Invincible
Amazon Studios

Oliver has accelerated aging (which is actually slower than the normal rate for Thraxans, thanks to the Viltrumite DNA). This is why the character all of a sudden looks like a child instead of a baby as he did in Season 2.

One quirk of Oliver's is that he can have a short temper, something that backfires in the comics.

How Will Kid Omni-Man Play Into Season 3?

Kid Omni-Man in Invincible Season 3
Amazon Studios

Judging from the Invincible Season 3 trailer, it seems like Kid Omni-Man will be tagging alongside his brother Mark Grayson (who now has a new costume for his Invincible persona) as they both make a name for themselves.

The dynamic between the two brothers will be one of the more unique elements of Season 3 and should be fun for audiences to see play out. One key conflict between the two is how Kid Omni-Man challenges Mark Grayson's no-kill rule, a notably touchy subject, seeing as Invincible thinks he accidentally killed Angstrom Levy (which he did not).

Kid Omni-Man and Invincible in Blue Costume
Amazon Studios

Oliver's presence on Earth is also definitely going to continue to cause some complicated feelings for Mark's mom, Debbie, who still has an intense hatred for Nolan.

Then there's the fact that someone sporting a big O on their chest, like Omni-Man, will attract plenty of criticism and negative attention worldwide.

If Season 3 gets to the events of The Invincible War, then odds are Oliver will be a key player in defending the world against a Multiverse of alternate evil Invincibles.

Invincible Season 3's first 3 episodes are available now on Amazon Studios' Prime Video. For those wondering about where the live-action Invincible movie is in development, be sure to check out the latest update from creator Robert Kirkman.

- In This Article: Invincible (Season 2)
Release Date
November 03, 2023
Sandra Oh
- About The Author: Russ Milheim
Russ Milheim is the Industry Relations Coordinator at The Direct. On top of utilizing his expertise on the many corners of today’s entertainment to cover the latest news and theories, he establishes and maintains communication and relations between the outlet and the many studio and talent representatives.