Production on Hawkeye is officially underway, and the news cycle surrounding everyone's favorite archer has been overflowing .
From reports of Oscar-nominated talent joining the series to set images revealing Hailee Steinfeld's Kate Bishop and Lucky the Pizza Dog , Hawkeye's New York City shoot has given Marvel fans their first glimpse as to what they can expect from Clint Barton's first solo project.
Reunited and it feels so good.
In a new batch of set photos from the Hawkeye series, Jeremy Renner's Clint Barton is joined by his un-dusted family: his kids Lila (played by Ava Russo, Joe Russo's daughter), Cooper, and Nathaniel.
The images showcase the Bartons approaching an SUV with suitcases, as well as Nathaniel piggybacking on his dad, who is holding a red shopping bag.
After the events of Avengers: Endgame , you couldn't really have a Hawkeye series without including the Barton family.
It's no secret Clint Barton has a strong bond with his wife and kids. After all, he was not only willing to risk his life in the time heist test run, but tried to sacrifice himself in exchange for the Soul Stone on Vormir. Now that the Bartons are fully reunited, they are pretty much inseparable.
Considering the surrounding cast members don face masks while star Jeremy Renner is without one, it is likely that those first few images take place during rehearsals. The third photo shows Renner loading Ava Russo's Lila Barton into an SUV, both without face masks. This indicates that the third set photo is the only one of the three that is an actual scene being shot.
With all that out of the way, let's put on our analytical lenses.
The first photo shows multiple suitcases being lugged around, hinting that the MCU's resident father may be saying sending his kids off on a trip. Based on the upset expression of Lila Barton in the third photo, it looks like she's not happy about leaving her dad for the holidays .
Since Captain America: Civil War, we know Clint Barton has taken a part-time superhero role. In that flick, he goes as far as to say he's retired, but we both know that didn't last. Considering Scott Lang's Civil War punishment put him under ankle-monitored house arrest, Barton likely took the same consequence, but rather willingly hung up the bow and arrow to be with his family full-time.
After Endgame's events, it's fair to assume Clint told his family he was officially done with the superhero life. Considering Lila's expression, it is entirely possible Hawkeye has been roped right back into the world-saving fold, and because he refuses to put his family in any sort of danger again, he is rushing them to safety by way of a black SUV. While his intentions are pure, Lila is likely frustrated that her dad cannot stay away from the Avenging lifestyle.
All of that is entirely speculative, and I very well might be wrong on all accounts. But what's the fun of set photos if we can conjure up some wild theories?
Hawkeye is currently without a release date, but is rumored to debut on Disney+ sometime in 2021 .
MCU Writer, Editor, Podcaster