Guardians of The Galaxy Spinoff Movie Teased By Marvel Star Vin Diesel

The actor behind Groot has shared his desire to return as the character in a new MCU movie.

By Lauren Rouse Posted:
Vin Diesel and Guardians of the Galaxy

Vin Diesel has teased a potential new Marvel movie featuring his Guardians of the Galaxy character, Groot.

Vin Diesel Hints at Guardians of the Galaxy Spinoff

Vin Diesel as Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel Studios

Vin Diesel provided an update on the many projects he's currently working on in his latest Instagram post. This included "Planet X" a project that would seemingly explore Groot returning to his home planet, which Diesel jokingly described as "Marvel's most anticipated movie:"

"Also, Disney wants their Planet X! Which some say is Marvel’s most anticipated movie, haha. The film where Groot returns to his home planet."

It's worth noting that Marvel Studios has not officially announced a Planet X film, so it's unclear how concrete Diesel's knowledge of the studio's internal slate is. 

However, this isn't the first time Diesel has spoken about a Groot solo film, taking to Instagram in 2022 after the release of I Am Groot to say, "No wonder Marvel wants to make the Planet X movie."

The actor also brought up "the return to Planet X" 2021, claiming Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige was excited about the idea.

Groot's homeworld from Marvel Comics is as yet unexplored on screen in the MCU. 

The character is from the flora colossi species (more commonly known as Groot) and hails from the Branch Worlds' Planet X, on which the natives speak an indiscernible language that very few can understand. 

Groot was already incarcerated when audiences first met them in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 but was previously said to have been imprisoned in an exhibit in an intergalactic zoo, leaving plenty of his backstory unexplored.

Will A Solo Groot Film Happen?

Until there's official word from Marvel Studios, it's unknown whether a Planet X film is actually a priority for the MCU.

The studio saw success in spinning off Groot's story into two seasons of the I Am Groot Disney+ series of shorts. However, much of this was based on Groot's infant years following his rebirth in Guardians of the Galaxy, and the character has since grown into a young adult as per Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

It could be that this marks the perfect time in the character's journey for Groot to return to his home planet and thus give the audience a window into Planet X. But whether a Groot story has the big screen appeal without the other Guardians of the Galaxy core team members is less certain.

Potentially, if Marvel Studios decided to make a fourth Guardians of the Galaxy movie, it could involve the team returning with Groot to his home planet, exploring the character's history in a similar way to how Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 explored Rocket Raccoon's. 

Guardians of the Galaxy Vols. 1-3 and I Am Groot are available to stream on Disney+.

- About The Author: Lauren Rouse
Lauren Rouse has been a writer at The Direct since the site launched in 2020. She has a huge passion for everything pop culture and currently writes news articles for the Marvel, Star Wars, DC and video game branches.