One of the most vocal voices for the DC Extended Universe is none other than Dwayne Johnson. Ironically, the star hasn’t even had his own movie—yet. His character, Black Adam, has his own film due out later this year.
Before then, however, he’ll be leading another outing: DC’s League of Super Pets. The animated adventure sees The Rock voice Krypto, Superman’s dog, as he’s forced into action to save the world from a threat that even the Justice League can’t beat.
Audiences around the world seem to be enjoying the experience—though fans were undoubtedly surprised when it came time for the film’s post-credits tease. While Johnson may have led the fun animal adventure as Krypto, in the movie’s closing minutes, viewers got to see the actor’s favorite anti-hero hit the screen a little bit early.
Black Adam Gets a Cameo
DC's League of Super Pets has finally hit theaters worldwide. The film stars Dwayne Johnson as Krypto, Superman's canine companion, as he's forced into action to save his master's life—and potentially the world.
While audiences are raving about the film, it's the post-credits scene that has gotten fans talking. In fact, the film's star has now made an Instagram post calling attention to the new animal in the dog house: Anubis, the dog of Black Adam.
The scene in question sees Black Adam visit John Krasinski's Superman as he's playing with Krypto. While the anti-hero's face isn't seen, the back of it bears a clear resemblance to how the character looks in the upcoming Black Adam live-action film.

In his post, the actor thanked audiences "for making Super Pets the #1 movie [in America]," while then turning the attention to Black Adam's cameo alongside Superman at the dog park:
"THANK YOU for making SUPER PETS the #1 MOVIE… but did you stay til the VERY END credits... You guys already know how I feel about SUPERMAN vs BLACK ADAM... the Indestructible Force meets the Immovable Object."
As exciting as it is to see the Man of Steel next to Black Adam, fans probably weren't expecting to meet Anubis, who Johnson declared as "the baddest, meanest, antihero canine walkin' [on] God's green earth:"
"With the DC SUPER PETS UNIVERSE we had an opportunity to build out this awesome animated universe in a big, fun, cool way... So three-ish Teremana’s later I came up with an end credits idea… allow me to introduce the baddest, meanest, antihero canine walkin’ [on] God’s green earth…. ANUBIS... Complete with his new favorite toy - squeezy Bruce Batman..."

To cap the social media post off, The Rock teased how "[they] have major plans to build out [both] the Black Adam DC Universe [and also] the DC Super Pets Universe:"
"At Seven Bucks Productions, we have major plans to build out the BLACK ADAM DC UNIVERSE and now the DC SUPER PETS UNIVERSE with our partners Warner Bros. and DC Comics - and SUPER PETS & BLACK ADAM is just the beginning."
The Hierarchy of the DC Pet Universe is About to Change
While fans have wanted to see Black Adam and Superman share the screen together, this probably isn’t what many were thinking. It’s almost a shame it had to happen in DC’s League of Super Pets first.
If the animated movie ever gets a sequel, Adam’s dog Anubis is almost certainly going to play a major role. This would likely mean that Dwayne Johnson would end up voicing three different characters in the same film.
While The Rock certainly loves to flaunt Black Adam, it’s great to see him explicitly play on pairing the character with Superman. It at least shows that the concept is on his mind and could very well make it into a live-action venture down the line.
Though, one has to wonder why the general audiences seem to want to see him go up against Superman more than they do his arch-nemesis Shazam. However, given recent interviews with the director of Zachary Levi’s upcoming movie, Dwayne Johnson and Henry Cavil sharing the screen seems to be closer to reality than Billy Batson taking on the big bad anti-hero any time soon.
DC's League of Super Pets is now playing in theaters worldwide, Black Adam hits theaters on October 21 later this year, and Shazam! Fury of the Gods lands on December 21.